Bumping Into A Hottie~ Chapter 3

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Travis's POV
We split up looking for Zane. After a while I had bumped into this beautiful girl~. We had fallen to the ground so I got up and helped her up. When she grabbed my hand and got up I quickly played a sly move and embraced her in my arms.
Travis;So (y/n)....do you like me~? Because I'm sure liken the back of you~ ;)
I purred at her, sending her to blush like mad.
You;I-I don't like y-you like that, Travis...!
Travis;Then why are you blushing~?
I smirked as she dug her face into my chest to hide the blush.
I was about to use my best pick up line until I heard laughing.....not normal laughing something dark and broken sorta laugh.
Zane;Hello. I'll be taking your little princess now! Haha!
He grabbed (y/n)'s hand and dragged her away, me quickly chasing them. I lost him when he ran outside with (y/n) I quickly ran to tell the others.
When I did we all set up camp for the night and we're going to look for (y/n) in the morning. Sit tight, beauty...even if the beast does get you, the prince will be there to save you.
I slept on those words softly....its been awhile since I've had a goodnight a sleep. It's nice.

Sorry that was a short chapter! Hope you enjoyed!

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