The Butterfly Effect

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Made for FuzzyFeelings one-shot contest. Hope you enjoy! < 3

I sprint through the alleyways, hearing shouts of anger calling my name. I just keep running, not daring to look behind me. My breaths quicken as I start to grow tired. The pouring rain drips on my jacket and dampens my hair. I need to hide.

Letting my body do the talking, I make a sharp turn around a building. I see an open door to a cafe and I push my way to it. I put up my hood and wait for the stomping of the men chasing me to pass.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I try to catch my breath. I feel my heart still pounding in my chest even after a few minutes. A bead of sweat drips down my face, trying to cool me off. I look over the cafe and notice no one is here.

Confused, I pull out a chair and sit down, waiting for someone to maybe walk in. I lay my head down on the table in an attempt to calm down. I grip the object that was in my pocket. The sleek, diamond-encrusted necklace tangles up in my palm and starts to slip through my fingers.

I lift my head and quickly pull the object out to stare at it. It is gold with the charm being a diamond heart that glitters in the lights. It looks magnificent.

"Hello?" I hear a voice call. I stuff the necklace in my pocket and look at him. He has brown hair, a slight beard, and big, brown eyes.

"Hey, are you a worker here?" I ask. He nods.

"Yes I am. I am actually the owner this establishment. We haven't gotten much business here lately," he rambles. "Oh! How rude of me. My name is Rob and welcome to 'Latsky's Best Cafe!' What would you like?"

"Lets see," I trail off while looking at the menu. I spot a Mocha and a Chocolate Muffin on the menu and my stomach suddenly growls. "I'll have the mocha and Chocolate Muffin."

"Great choice! It will only be a moment," he states. He walks over to the back room and leaves me to wait.

I take down my hood and stare at my calloused hands. There are multiple cuts and bruises layering each inch of skin. It almost looks fake. I have to reach out and touch it just to remember this all isn't all a dream.

I slip my thumbs back through the holes in my jacket. It makes me feel much more comfortable and on guard. My jacket is brown with lines of black on the shoulders and by the holes. This was the last gift I got from my family before they left.

They never told me why they went away without me, but I know this was all for my own good. I deserve to be lonely. I deserve to be forced to a life of crime just to get through each and every day. I deserve to not deserve anything good, if that even makes any since.

"Here you go," the owner states as he sets down my coffee and muffin. I thank him and watch him start to wash some dishes.

I pick up the cup and take a sip of it. The flavours of the milk, foam, and chocolate syrup lingers on my tongue even after I down it all. It makes me even more awake than I was when I ran in here.

I check the menu to see how much my food costs. I add up the two prices to find out that it was only two eighty-eight. That's much cheaper than Starbucks for sure. I open up my wallet and find three dollars to give to the guy.

I decide to pocket the muffin for when I'm hungry. I need as much food as I can get in this world. This place is cruel and I feel bad for everyone that has to live it. I don't feel bad for me, though. I have lived this for a year or so. I've gotten used to it.

"Hey, Rob?" I call to the owner. He looks up and I motion to the money. He nods and I make my way out the door. I suddenly hear him call for me. Confused, I turn around and see him walk up to me.

The Butterfly EffectWhere stories live. Discover now