21. Televised

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•Nothing kills you like your mind•
Seven months before
Carmin's pov
I walked down the sidewalk in front of the school.
"Sir, please. This cavity is killing him, and you already cancelled the last appointment. It's not happening again." I spoke to Sam's dentist through the phone.
"I'm sorry Miss but I can't keep the appointment in that time slot."
"Fine. We'll take our business somewhere else. Goodbye." I say hanging up the phone. I almost turned around and walked back through the door when I saw someone who looked familiar. He was standing across the street with his arms folded over his chest.
I watched him as he seemed to be watching me but I couldn't be sure since his eyes were hidden behind white sunglasses. He looked very familiar.
He was tall, with blonde hair, and seemed to be in his mid-forties. He began to cross the street to me.
A car was coming straight at him.
"Watch out!" I yell, running towards him. He kept walking, I knew I wouldn't get to him in time. I wouldn't of but the car braked and didn't hit him.
He walked up to me and took off his sunglasses. I looked up to look at his face. He had green eyes, I felt liked I'd seen them before.
"Do you know this kid? He's missing." The man spoke to me, holding up his phone. I squint my eyes and hold my hand over he phone to keep the sunlight off the screen.
I saw Chandler's face. His blue eyes sparkling and his lips in a smirk.
"No sorry." I wasn't sure what was going on but I sure as hell wasn't going to sell him out.
"Okay. Thanks anyways Carmin." He said. In that moment I didn't realize he had said my name and I didn't remember the man.
But I eventually realized he had said my name and remembered exactly who he was.
But it was already too late.
Present time
I tell my self that I'll be fine and that Chandler will come back soon. But he didn't.
Chandler never showed up. But someone else did. A man. The same one who asked me if I knew Chandler a while ago. With green eyes and a smile.
"Hello Carmin."
I gulped. I tried hard to keep my breathing steady.
"What do you want from me?" I ask with my hands in fists. He grabbed my arms and dragged me through the door that Chandler and Kit went in. I saw white walls. They made me go blind for a few seconds. The man led me to a room and I saw Chandler sitting in a chair with Kit bouncing on his knee. The man shoved me down in the empty seat next to him. He then stood next to a blonde haired woman.
"Carmin...we know you must have a lot of questions. We will answer them but we must explain to you the basic idea of what's been happening since you were thirteen. Obviously you know, we've been filming you but what you don't know...is that we've made you a star." The familiar women spoke. I looked at Chandler to see him looking down.
"Star?" I question.
"You've been televised across the globe for three years." The man said. My mouth drops open.
"The signature on the letters was going to spell out Channel 99." Chandler spoke softly next to me.
"H-How did you know that?" I ask barely above a whisper.
"Carmin darling...don't you remember me?" The green eyed man asks. I look up at him. My silence answering for me.
"What a shame...I knew the girl was messed up in the head but I thought she'd remember her father." The woman said to him.
"I know who the fuck you are! I just wish I didn't." I say, sitting back in my chair. Chandler set a hand on my knee and gave me a look that said 'everything will be fine'. I shove his hand off. I'm done with everyone's bullshit.
"I'm not a star. I'm a mentally fucked up girl that goes to a madhouse for schooling with a few weird friends. That's it. Not a celebrity nor a star." I say.
"Oh! That was wonderful. Let me film that, will you say if just once more?" The lady that I once knew as Victoria said.
((Carmin and Victoria met in Chapter 6 if you're confused.))
My eyes widen. What the hell am I into? I shook my head and crossed my arms. Victoria sighed.
"Fine. Be like that. Would you like to watch an episode?" She asks, walking over to an older looking television. My curiosity got the better of me and I nodded.
The friends theme song begins to play but instead of Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox appearing on the screen, it was me, Chandler, Danni, Sam, and Jane. It was the day of the Arctic Monkeys concert. Also the day of my suicide attempt.
After the half hour it played for, my father turned it off.
"T-there are cameras in my room?" I ask.
"Room, kitchen, bathroom, Sam and Jane's room too darling." Victoria says. I look at Dad then to Victoria. I look at Chandler.
"Look at me Chandler." I say.
Chandler sniffs but turns his head to face me. I look into his glassy eyes.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"I've been lying to you Carmin." Chandler said. I shook my head.
"I've known about you since you were thirteen, it wasn't a coincidence I met you on that bus." He spoke quickly.
"No. No. You're lying." I say, standing up.
"I've been playing you Carmin! I'm sorry and I-." I cut him off.
"You never loved me did you?" I ask. Chandler gulped.
"I didn't at first...when you fell into my bus seat your first day, I thought you were just some clumsy bitch. But then I saw your smile and the way you touched your hair and how perfect you looked even when you cried. I fell in love with you and I fell hard. I was a part of this to protect you, your father said he's kill you if I wasn't." Chandler said taking my hand. In that moment I knew that I didn't just love him. I didn't just love Chandler Riggs, I was in love.
I'd fallen in love with some punk kid.
((Remember that line I told you to remember I'm Chapter 2? If you don't go look now))
3 years later
Carmins pov
I stand in front of the school I once knew as home. It brought tears to my eyes.
If you're wondering what happened with Channel 99 and me being televised across the globe, I fought my way out of it. With Chandler by my side.
Chandler is no longer by me. After all the things with Channel 99 happened, I realized I couldn't trust anyone besides him. So you can imagine how shocked I was when I was flipping through tv stations and saw my show running again. Then turning out Chandler was behind it all. I went insane. Mental. As you can assume, we broke up.
I hear now that he's a heroin addict , dragging Kit along with him.
"Carmin?" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and see Sam.
"Sam? Oh my god hi!" I say hugging him.
"Me and Chandler were just going to get lunch do you want to come?" He asks.
"Ch-Ch-Chandler?" I ask. Sam nods with a smile and grabs my hand, pulling me into the car. I sat in the back and looked at Chandler in the passenger seat, looking like perfection. He doesn't look like he's on drugs or as if there's anything wrong with him at all.
Sam pulls out of our old high school parking lot and we drive for about twenty minutes before I ask where we're going.
"Detroit Michigan. I know you thought I was the one running the show, I wasn't. We're shutting it down for good." Chandler says, reaching back and putting his hand on my knee.
Okay, so I was going to make a sequel. But I'm not sure if I want to, comment if you want one! What did you all think of the last chapter?
Okay go check out my other story, Runners! And my other account is @ScarlettLacy go read my two books Dystopia (C.R) and Savior (C.G). Love you all madly💜

Televised || Punk Chandler RiggsWhere stories live. Discover now