Chapter 01

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My mother sat beside me, as she grabbed the TV remote, and excitedly turned the television on.

I ignored her and continued scrolling on my phone. Wait, I'm focused more on my phone than anything.

I felt a poke on my head, and there I know that it's my mother poking me. She smiled and said, "Don't you know your best friend is on television?"

I scoffed at her statement. Duh, I only have two best friends, and I see none of them on the television. I see hotties. I mean, dorks.

"Mom, that's EXO Dork. Hana and Mina cannot be seen. They aren't idols." I said, as drawing my eyes near to the television.

She clapped her hands once and said, "Exactly!"

I seriously don't know what she is talking about. Every time she watches EXO performing, she would tell me, 'Darling, your best friend is on live!', 'Look! Your best friend sings well!', and many more. Is she blind or something? She says that every time EXO performs. What? So maybe an EXO member is my best friend? Pfft, none of them are even familiar to me.

"Whatever mom. You have gone crazy already." I blurt out, rolling my eyes, and continued scrolling on my phone.

Suddenly, suddenly, My mom grabbed my phone, causing me to question her on why she did that.

"The heck mom?"

She tightly held my phone and said, "Go to sleep. You still have to be early for your first day of classes."

I rolled my eyes and said, "School hates me. Why should I do that?"

"You're a graduating student already, my dear." she said, as she crossed her legs.

"That's tiring." I answered, pouting.

"And it's tiring because the school does a lot for me. Wait, us. And it's because they probably hate u-"

Without completing ny sentence, She rubbed my head, ruining my hair as she hissed saying, "Aish you little kid. Just go to sleep."

I chuckled and got my ass up from the couch, snatching my phone from her, and gave her a peck on her cheeks.

"Goodnight mom."

"Goodnight dear. Sweet dreams." she said, added a smile.

And I feel lucky to have a such caring, and a loving mother.



I spun around, surprised, yet glad to see my best friends after for a such long time. God, I miss these girls so much.

They hurriedly ran, and immediately hugged me tight, almost choking me. Okay, I'm dying already. Somebody help me!

"I miss you so much!" Hana said, pulling away from the hug, while Mina was still hugging me.

Mina also pulled away, and said, "Me too."

Hana and Mina are my best friends since fifth grade. Hana has such good sense of humour. While Mina, she's the smartest. But let's say, I'm different from them. They stan EXO, while I don't. Pfft, what's so good in them? They're dorks, especially that guy named Bacon.

"Me too! But I'm curious over something." I said, as I swayed my hips on the right.

"What?" they both asked in chorus. My lips turned into a thick line, as I placed a finger on my chin, rubbing it slowly.

"What class are you guys in? We'll immediately say it on chorus. One, two, three!"

"Class A!"

"Class A!"

"Class A!"

As I heard three Class A's, I jumped in joy, glad to actually know that the three of us are once again, classmates for the whole school year.

"So what are we doing right now?" Mina asked, still smiling.

"Let's go, before we might be late." Hana said, and immediately grabbed Mina and my hand, dragging us to our classroom.


"Good morning class!" The teacher greeted as everyone of us stood up and greeted back, "Good morning, ma'am!"

"Please take a seat."

Everyone of us sat again, and the teacher bowed to us and said, "Anyeong, it's glad to see you. I'm Mrs. Kim, and I will be your Physics and Homeroom teacher, get it?"


Physics, ugh. The hatest subject I've ever hated. I swear to God, it's hard for me. I don't even get it. Seriously.

"Do you know that boy band, EXO?" Mrs. Kim suddenly asked, making almost every girls in the classroom gasp, turning heads, and covering their mouths.

Pfft, what teacher would talk about EXO in the first day of class? What is this? A Learn About EXO class? The heck.

"Oh My Gucci, why teacher?"

"What? Of course we do!"

"God, they are damn hotties."

The third comment got me. Actually, more than 'dorks'.

"Miyoung probably already hates this class." Mina said, poking my head as I roll me eyes, 'not' in disbelief.

"Heck yeah, I do. That EXO EXO thingy are so annoying. When will they ever disban-"

Without finishing my sentence, Hana had covered my mouth, with a glare on her eyes and said, "Don't you fucking say that, or else I'll kill you."

What a nice threat. It's not like you can kill me directly here in school, right?

I shoved her hand away, rolling my eyes, and turned my focus on to the teacher who's speaking at the front.

"Have you heard that an EXO member is transferring in this school?"

Everyone squealed excitedly, while I roll my eyes, not really caring about on what the teacher is saying.

I wasn't already focusing on to the teacher, but to my fingernails. They're already pretty long. Darn, I forgot to cut them.

Mines ugly, while others are totally pretty, with those nail colors thingy. Seriously, I want to try them, but mom doesn't want me to!


Screams, cheers, shrieks, and squeals was filled in the room, causing to cut on my focus.

What's happening?


"Kyah! He's damn cute!"

"Sexy as fuck!"

"He's so handsome!"

"Oh My Gucci, it's really him!"

"I'm dying!"

"My poor heart."

I can't really see who's in the front, since I'm seated at the back, and the students in front of me are standing, jumping.

The hell? Especially the boys are doing the same thing?

I stand on my chair, trying to get a better view. Then there, I can finally see who's in front, and who is been cheered for.



Hallo! Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. I know it's not really that good tho 😂, I'll try my best next time :)

But seriously, who wants pizza? I'm hungry. I wanted to have an 'One Cheat Day' on my diet.

Tf, I just started my diet today.

All loves,
BK :*

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