Dead X

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dead X

Age :18-23 years old

birthday: ???

school: ???

Race: lighter

hometown: ?????

skin: ????


sex: male

Blood type: ????

Hair: ?????

eyes: green

hobby: watching over everyone & fighting

job: killer

favorite color: ???

Favorite food: anything especial ice cream

least favorite food : ????

Favorite Music: ????

Favorite tv/ movies: ??????

least favorite music: ???????

personality: dead x is a mystery man who only come at the dead of night . He cold and sadistic.

desires: to cleanse the world

family: ????
skills: ?????

reason for living: the days at G.O.D.S made him realizes there nothing more then money and power. He will cleanse the world

animal pet :none

Best friends: None

Rivalry: no one worthy to be his

enemy: Gods

love interest: ??? Power

Weakness: not known right now

smart level in school : ?????

street smart: ???

normal outfit: ????

combat outfit: his combat is an armored version of his normal outfit with fire proof cape and black combat boots.

petpeeves : he hate annoying people and emo loser that want to try to chill with him.

back story: Dead x was a small 5 year old when he watch his family be torn apart because his father never loved his mother. He only loved the power and status that came with her in the Church of dove . His mother truly loved him and would actively keep x away from his father out of fear he would turn out like him. After a few years, his mother started to get sick and weak. To find out , she has Venenatio Hectica disease. Her face would turn purple and she sweat blue mucus. He was 8 years old when his father finally killed her by making her drink , a special tea. After that his father remarried in a week and started a new job . X would eventually start the new job with him at 11 years old...

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