Royalty Reigns- GHW

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This is a scene from the series one of my characters from my book, Girl Hates World acts in. Enjoy!
The church was so full of people, even the seats on the second floor were filled and my nerves were killing me. My mother stood beside me, rigid and cold while I clutched onto her skirts and tried to hide behind her. I was so scared of all these people and the way they were looking at me, like I could save them from the monster under their bed, like I was their only hope.

The priest cleared his throat, telling us that he was about to begin the ceremony and I would have to walk down the long aisle all by myself now, after mother took her place.

I gripped tighter onto my mommy's elegant dress, wanting her to take me away and protect me from what was going on. She looked down at me and smiled slightly, tears filling up her eyes as she pried my fingers from her dress.

"It'll be alright, sweetheart," She murmured before turning to the big doors leading inside the church building. The warm look she just gave me was gone and she looked mean again.

I was shaking now, wanting to cry and scream at her to come back so I wouldn't have to do this alone,

"Francois," the bodyguard called to me, looking scary and stern as always, "it's time,"

I gulped, shooting a nervous glance at the church full of people waiting for me, with a deep breath, I walked down the aisle, staring only at my mother who was seated on her throne beside the empty one my father used to sit in before the war, before everything went wrong and became scary.

The whole church was staring at me, all eyes on me as I stopped before the balding priest who started reading a bunch of big words that I didn't understand. I had practiced this with my mother so I would know when to say what, I went with everything like we practiced it.

The priest made me hold a heavy candle and a heavy crystal ball thing before putting a really heavy and thick royal cape on my shoulders that nearly made me fall backwards.

I turned to look at the people filling up the church while the priest spoke more big words and put a heavy golden and ruby encrusted crown on my head. Everything they put on me was so heavy, but it didn't feel as heavy as the responsibility now placed on my tiny shoulders. I wanted to cry so badly, but I couldn't, mommy said that I shouldn't or she would make me sleep without dinner tonight.

They let me put down the heavy candle stick thing and the ball and led me to the thrown beside my mother. She smiled at me, but I could see she was sad, just like I was. I sank down into the thrown and watched as my people burst in celebration, not caring that they were destroying a life. I didn't move an inch as they exploded in cheers. My heart felt heavy like someone put a brick on it. I felt mommy take my hand and hold it tightly, I hoped she would never let go.

Today was the day my life changed forever, today I became the King of France, and I was only 10 years old.

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