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~Angel's POV~

I woke up on Derek's bed but he was no where to be found. It doesn't really surprise me since he is the alpha. I got up and threw on some clothes. As I was walking out of the room, I smelt an unfamiliar scent, then I heard talking. I listened more intently, it was Derek and....Jackson? What was he doing down here? I started to eavesdrop on what they were saying.

"We know what you are so there's no point in hiding it."-Derek

"Hiding what?!? I have no idea what you're talking about."-Jackson

"Maybe he's not the person we're looking for."-Erica

"Maybe...but just to be sure."-Derek. There was a long pause. My hearing is amazing because I think I just heard a piece of glass being picked up. "This is how we'll know if you're telling the truth or not. Hold him." I heard struggling. "If you're not the creature then you'll be temporarily paralyzed."-Derek. I could hear Jackson struggling again, then nothing, just a big thud. "God damn it! Get him out of here. Fast...I don't want Angel to know about this. Got it?"-Derek.

"Got it."-Erica and Issac. I heard them walking away, which was my que to walk out. It took a few seconds for Derek to realize I had walked into the room.

"Angel. What are you doing up?"-Derek. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 3 p.m.

"I'm a werewolf, not a vampire."-Angel. He forced a laugh. I'm sure he's wondering if I heard what just happened. I decided to see if he would eventually tell me himself, so I pretended I didn't hear anything. "Soooo....can we eat?"-Angel

"Uhh...yeah! Sure. What do you want?"-Derek. His face went from worried to relieved.

"What about some Chinese? Haven't had that in a long time."-Angel. He nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. As we were walking out, I saw the piece of glass I heard. There was this clear slime on the tip of it. What was it? We got to his car and I could immediately smell the guilt on him. I didn't notice it in the building, but now that we're in such a small space, it reeks.

"So there's a lacrosse game tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to go."-Derek. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I thought you didn't like to be apart of any of that."-Angel

"I would only go if you wanted to."-Derek

"I mean, I do kinda like lacrosse so why not. Hell maybe you'll get into it too."-Angel. He was silent after that which I didn't like. Whats been with him lately?

~Stiles POV~

The game was about to start and of course I was sitting on the bench. I doubt I was going to play in this game since it was a really good team. So I decided to walk around the school. As I was walking through the parking lot I saw that Lydia's car was still on. She was inside crying. I walked over and knocked on her window. She looked at me then rolled down the window.

"What do you want?"-Lydia

"Why are you crying."-Stiles. Before she could say anything my phone started going off. It was Scott saying he just saw the lizard go into the school. "I'll be right back, I promise."-Stiles. Lydia looked confused and mad as I started to run away.

I ran through the double doors and immediately ran into someone which caused both of us to fall.

~Angel's POV~

Surprise surprise. Derek's no where to be found. He just disappeared...again... I decided to look for him. I looked around the bathroom, the concession stand, the bleachers, his car, still couldn't find him. I walked into the school and started to roam the halls. It was really peaceful in the school at night. At least it was until I was knocked to the ground by someone running through the doors. I was on bottom and when I opened my eyes, it was Stiles.

"What are you doing running in here like that?"-Angel. He didn't say a word, just stared. I was about to say something but then I remembered that I haven't seen or talked to him in days. He got up and then gave me his hand to help me up. When we were both standing he finally spoke.

"You know I've missed you."-Stiles. I could feel myself blushing.

"I've honestly missed you too."-Angel. He took a step closer and then hugged me. After the hug he stayed really close to me. Then all of a sudden he kissed me. I kissed back then when I realized what was happening I pushed him away.

"I'm sorry....I...."-Stiles

"No....don't be sorry....just...please don't do that again...I don't want Derek hurting you..."-Angel. He nodded...he looked really hurt. I'm with Derek. I can't be kissing other guys...even if it felt so right...NO what am I thinking?!?

"....in here?"-Stiles. Crap! He was talking.

"I'm sorry, what?"-Angel

"What are you doing in here?"-Stiles

"I'm trying to find Derek. He just disappeared."-Angel.

"I'll walk with you. You never know what could be lurking around. It is Beacon Hills after all."-Stiles. I nodded and we started walking down the hall.

We've been walking in silence for 10 minutes. I was about to say something but then there was a loud hissing sound. Stiles grabbed my arm and started pulling me. "What are you doing?!"-Angel

"Getting you out of here."-Stiles. In the distance we say something crawling in front of the double doors. Stiles turned us and we were in the pool area. We ran into someone. It was Derek and....Erica?? What are they doing here alone together?!?

"Why is she here?!?"-Derek. He was looking at Stiles.

"She was looking for you since YOU disappeared."-Stiles.

"The question should be what are YOU doing with HER?"-Angel

"Angel it's not what you think. We're looking for....that..."-Derek. He pointed up and behind us. I looked and it was a giant ass lizard crawling on the balcony. It jumped down behind Erica and threw her out of the room. Stiles, Derek, and I started to run. Even with my werewolf abilities, I slipped and fell into the pool. I thought I was done but the creature hesitated to come after me. He then left and chased Stiles and Derek. Derek stopped and was about to fight. Before anything could happen, the creature jumped over him and scratched the back of his neck. He went limp and fell on the ground. Stiles was the only one left. I swam over to Derek and grabbed his arm. I dragged him into the pool and attempted to keep both of us up. "Stiles! Get in the water!"-Angel. He jumped in next to us and helped me hold Derek up. The lizard stared at us. He hovered his hand over the water and when he touched it he jumped back and ran out the window above us. "What the fuck was that?!?"-Angel. Derek and Stiles looked at each other. "Answer me! I have the right to know! I already heard you this morning with Jackson so theres no point in hiding anything from me now.."-Angel

"You knew?!"-Derek

"Wait, what did you do to Jackson?"-Stiles

"It's none of your business!"-Derek

"Bullshit it's none of his business. We just got attacked, you're paralyzed, what the hell is going on?!?"-Angel. Derek looked down, defeated.

"It's called a Kanima. My theory is that reptiles can't poision themselves so I am putting people through tests to see if the venom paralyzes the victim or not. I tried it on Jackson this morning."-Derek

"Why Jackson?"-Angel

"He was bit by a werewolf, but he never turned."-Derek

"Jackson was bit? When?"-Stiles

"The night Peter died...I bit him.."-Derek

"Why would you bite him?"-Stiles

"It was a reward for helping defeat Peter. It's what he wanted, but he was rejected."-Derek. Derek and Stiles started to argue.

"Guys...." No answer. "Guys...." Still arguing. "HEY!!!"-Angel. That caught their attention. "Does ANYONE know that we're in here?"-Angel. Stiles grabbed his phone from his pocket. I'm surprised it still works. He was about to call Scott but then his phone slipped out of his hands and to the bottom of the pool.

"I got it."-Stiles. He let go of Derek and swam to the bottom of the pool. He came up with a big smile on his face. He called Scott and then a few minutes later, Scott and Allison came running into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2016 ⏰

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