The New Girl

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~Amber POV~

"Why are you even here? You graduated last year." -Stiles a little creeped out.

"I give Laney a ride to school, cause, you know, no license. I just end up talking to you and Scott." I said annoyed. He asks me that same question everyday. I decided to change the subject over to them. "So, are you two signing up for lacrosse again?"

"Yeah, I might not play but I'm still going to attempt to get better." -Scott

"Hey, look, a new girl." -Stiles

*sigh* "We are all new Stiles here, remember, freshman." -Scott

"I know! What I meant was that I've never seen her in any other school before." -Stiles

"I wonder what her name is... Let's go find out." -Amber

~Stiles POV~

I love annoying Amber, she's like my older sister and Scott's like my you could say we are family. I didn't really care to much about lacrosse cause I never got to play so I zoned out when Amber changed the subject, and man...was that a good decision. As I was looking around I saw this girl...she was beautiful. "Hey, look, a new girl."

*sigh* "We are all new Stiles here, remember, freshman." -Scott

"I know! What I meant was that I've never seen her in any other school before." -Stiles

"I wonder what her name is... Let's go find out." -Amber

Is she crazy?!?! I won't be able to talk to her! I can barely talk to Lydia, and I've known her forever! This isn't going to be good at all.

~Angel POV~

Today is the first day of school! Not many people would be happy about this but I on the other hand, is very happy! I finally get to get away from my shitty parents and that hell house. the only thing I'm not too happy about...are meeting new people. I always try and not talk to people, so I don't get close, so when I move...i don't get hurt again.

I walked through the double doors of the high school. It was my worst many people. don't get me wrong, I like people, but I have my limits, and this is too many for me to handle. I had no idea where I was supposed to go. I must've looked like and idiot, just standing here looking lost. All of a sudden there were three people in front of me. A girl with long brown hair and green eyes, a guy with brown curly hair and brown eyes, and the last guy with short brown hair and brown eyes, he was kinda cute. :)

"Hi I'm Amber, this is Scott, and Stiles." -Amber

"Hi..its nice to meet you.." Can I tell them my name?? Would my parents be mad? Do you know what.... I don't even care anymore.... "My name is Angel, Angel Black." -Angel

"I like the name Angel, it's a pretty name." -Amber

"Thanks." -Angel

"So! You're new to this town?? How do you like it so far?" -Scott

"Yup, haha, it's nice so far, better than any other place I've lived in." -Angel

"W..wait, many places have you live before moving here?" -Stiles

"Hmmm.. let's see... I would say... about...50 times." -Angel

"50!!!! Holy crap! Why have you moved so many times!?!" -Stiles

"It's all up to my dad, if he doesn't like it, we move. If it was up to me, then we would've stopped moving a long time ago." -Angel

"So what's your first class?" -Amber

"Chemistry with Mr. Harris, but I have no idea where that is." -Angel

"That's our first class too, we could take you there if you want." -Scott

"That would be great, thanks!" -Angel

"FYI he's and ass." -Stiles

"Good to know haha." -Angel :D


Hey guys, so I'm going to be trying something I never did before with dialogue, instead of saying said, asked, etc. I'm going to be doing what I've been doing, so far it's been good, how do you guys like it?? Comment. Favorite. thank you for reading, will update as soon as I can ~jasmine

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