Part 4: It's been 3153600 seconds since Part 3

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Mikey’s POV: 3153600 seconds later.

I laid in bed and yawned but tried to keep still as the sun filtered through my window and hit Freddie’s sleeping face. He was like an angel, I seriously couldn’t believe he was related to me… I seriously couldn’t believe it had been a whole year since he’d seen his mom and since I’d started taking care of him.

I couldn’t believe that in about an hour I would be waiting outside the prison gates, waiting to hold Poppy and take her here- to our new home, taking her here to her son and her family…

 I would be holding the woman I’ve waited six years to marry… I slipped out of my bed that had pretty much become Freddie’s and made sure he was still sleeping before I got changed into some black jeans and my Anthrax shirt.

I tip toed out and almost fell over when Gerard and Frank and Ray were already fully dressed and sitting in the living room, they smiled at me. “Morning…” I mumbled, a little confused.

    “Don’t look at us like that Mikey, we were the ones to bring her home six years ago, bloody and bruised and we’ll still be the ones to bring her home now- to see her family.” Frank said and I felt myself get teary, I nodded and swallowed before looking over my guys.

Frank still looked the same apart from a bit of a haircut, Ray looked the same… Gee had bleached white hair now for our newest album that was in the making. He looked pretty different with his hair so short and flaxen…

They all stood up before we all hugged, we were going to bring her home…

The car trip was quiet, we were all tense and freaking out a little. Poppy hadn’t let any of us visit for the year so none of us knew what she looked like and she didn’t know what we looked like… It was over an hour drive to the prison but when I saw it I looked straight to the car clock- 8:56am as we rolled to a stop.

I wasn’t sure how long I could wait in the silent car, two minutes passed and I felt like I was suffocating. I opened the door and stepped outside of the car and tried breathing right so I wouldn’t drop dead the minute I saw her…

I closed my eyes and breathed slowly before I heard a rattle, my eyes shot open and I saw a guard fiddling with the gate. The next minute two guard walked Poppy out… My eyes were wide as I almost ran to her, she hurried to me and we just stopped in front of each other.

    “My gosh! Your hair! Your glasses!?” She said and touched my face; she meant my dyed black hair and the fact I was wearing no glasses.

    “Your hair?!” I said and touched her shorter hair. We just looked at each other for another few seconds before I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

Then Frank was screaming and racing at us along with Ray and Gee, hugging us both right and laughing.

Maria’s POV:

I rolled over in bed, I wasn’t sure why I was waking up… It was Sunday and it was early and Luna wasn’t crying… I had to be crazy.

I rolled over with a yawn and stretched before noticing Ray wasn’t next to me, I frowned and yawned again- then I heard keys in the front door and the guys whispering… Then a girl’s voice-

 I jumped out of bed as someone else was screaming, “POPPY’S HERE!” Emma screamed from upstairs, then Bob was barking like crazy and Darth Vader was yapping and then what sounded like a mini stampede could be heard coming downstairs.

I raced out and almost died when I saw Poppy being mobbed by Wren and Leda and then I was throwing myself at her.

   “We missed you so fucking much!” Wren screamed at her and we practically squished her before the kids were joining the hug. Oh my god. It felt so good, just being able to hold Poppy… She was here again.

Poppy’s POV:

I hugged them all together before hugging Wren tight and kissing her cheek, “God I missed you.” I whispered before grabbing Leda and Maria in a double hug and resting my face against Leda’s orange hair, “Thankyou for looking after them…” I whispered to her before smiling at Maria, “I missed you so fucking much.” I laughed. They all hugged me one more time again before I leant down and grabbed Pansy, Percy and Taffy and hugged them against me.

    “We missed you!” Taffy squealed, she hadn’t changed. She just had longer hair, Pansy was looking more and more like her mom and Percy was getting just as handsome as his dad!

I looked up to see Emma standing a little back and I grabbed her in a hug, “I missed you too sweetie,” I whispered and touched her hair. Still purple.

My face hurt from smiling and I stepped back to look over my family and felt Mikey put his arm around my waist, I studied my family- all smiling and then I saw him, toward the back looking not a day older… My baby.

I swallowed back tears before I walked toward him, “I love you.” I said before he smiled a little, I leant down and he threw his arms around me.

    “Mommy… I missed you so much… Why did you leave?” He asked and I teared up. None of the kids knew what I had done or anything about what had happened and I wanted to keep it like that.

     “I did something people shouldn’t do and so I got I trouble… But I’m here now Freddie baby, I’m never leaving you again.” I swallowed and kept him close before Mikey’s arms were around us

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