Part 14

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Emma's POV:

I had to stop myself from bursting. I'd only spoken to Natalya three times including today when I'd asked her out but she seemed so amazing. She wore Green Day shorts every other day and was always in skinnies. She seemed really confident though when I'd asked her and she had even remembered my name!

I couldn't take my eyes off the clock, she said she's get here just after 5pm and it was 4:30pm. I had changed three times.

Was Natalya going to freak out about how big my family was? Were we being idiots and taking this too fast? What would her family think of me? What would my family think of her?

I chewed on my lip and got the urge to drink a bottle of vodka. I took a deep breath before straightening up my purple shirt and skinnies and then walked out of my room, just outside of my room was the kids' play room and all of them were mesing around with teddies and screaming.

I passed them, I really was freaking out a little. I got down the stairs and to the bottom step before Frank jumped at me and hugged me, "Oh my god! When's she coming? Is she pretty? What's her name!?" He asked and giggled.

I stopped and took a deep breath, "Uh... She's coming soon... She is really, really pretty... Her name is Natalya..." I stopped when I noticed pretty much everyone had stopped what they were doing to watch me, "And..." I was about o add something else when there was a knock on the door.

My mind was a bit slow so Wren headed to the front door and turned the handle just as my eyes widened, I looked to the living room clock- 5pm. Holy shit! My clock was half an hour slow!? SHE WAS HERE!

Frank almost pissed himself laughing at my face just as the door opened and I saw Natalya standing there, she was smiling and looking beautiful but then her face dropped and her eyes widened. She looked like I did, but why?!

Natalya's POV:

I felt like I had a bloody frog in my stomach eating the butterflies because I felt nervous and jumpy, not just nervous. When the door opened I was seriously expecting to see Emma standing there with a smile and that woman I'd seen her with who must have been her sister or Aunty or something.

Instead a pretty girl with kick ass red hair opened the door and smiled at me, I smiled back, the house looked huge from outside and in! I looked over the lady's shoulder, I could see Emma standing there looking shell shocked.

And then I realised why. Did she know Frank Iero was standing in front of her!? Did she know Gerard Way was in her kitchen drying dishes?! Did she see Ray Toro holding a baby on her sofa!?

I stood there with wide eyes and then Emma's face was composed Frank Iero put his arm around her shoulders and laughed, "She is pretty!" He laughed. Holy snap. Was he talking about me? WHY WAS FRANK IERO LOOKING AT ME?!

The red head gave me a concerned look, I must have been as white as a ghost, but then she smiled and took my arm before leading me in and shutting the door. She put her hands on my shoulders and nodded slowly.

"Okay. Natalya, I can see you are a fan... This is Emma's house. Emma lives with her two half brothers and the rest of her family. Emma's half brothers are Gerard Way and Mikey Way. They live here with their wives and their sisters and their kids and this is a very big and very dysfunctional family... Okay. Are you following?" She sounded like she was talking to a baby.

I nodded slowly and tried to talk, "Uh... Uh... Huh... Um... Emma... Can I talk to you?" Emma nodded quickly before rushing to me and then she walked us into a bathroom and smiled innocently at me.

"Umm... Your brothers are Gerard Way and Mikey Way?" I checked.

"Yes... Here- Gee is my half brother who is married to Leda and they have Joon and Taffy as their daughters. Mikey is my half brother who is married to Poppy and their son is Freddie but they aren't here right now. Maria is Leda's cousins who is married to Ray and their daughter is Luna. Wren is like Poppy and Leda's sister and she's the red head married to Frank and her kids are Percy and Pansy... By the way, we all have issues..." Emma said quickly before looking at me with her pretty blue eyes, "You can still leave if you want to..." She mumbled.

I smiled and shook my head, "No... I think I could get used to this family."

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