Son of a god Problems

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Before the cyclopes can even utter another word, my punch was already sailing.

He was down before Glen could shriek.

"What the hell did you do, Icarus?!" she screamed at me.

I just shrugged. He was annoying me. How could he mistake Glen for a demigod, when a real, full-fledged son of a god was standing next to her?

I sighed. "I was just annoyed."

Glen was looking at me weirdly. "You're strong."

She glanced at the cyclopes sprawled on the floor. "I could never knock a full-grown man down in just one punch..." she muttered.

I guessed she was still pretty much in shock. After all, the weak nerd she had as a best friend actually turned out to be... well, not a weak nerd.

"Let's go back to class," I said.

"What about him?" she asked, pointing at the snoring heap on the floor.

I thought for a while. "We'll just leave him here in his room. He'll probably just wake up after a while."

Glen looked worried.

"Don't worry, he won't tell on us. He did try to assault you, right?"

Glen slowly nodded her head.

We dragged his body a little bit more inside the room, and we went out. 

I stayed back for a while. Before she could realize I wasn't walking with her, I locked the door with the key I snatched earlier from the cyclope's pocket.

I'll come back for you, I thought.

I hastened my steps to catch up to Glen.


Glen had her brows furrowed, like she was sinking deep in her thoughts.

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "I know I shouldn't have lied."

She blinked and looked away. "It's okay. I've always known you were different from the others."

I sighed inwardly. Soon enough, we were in front of our classroom. We passed by the back door and managed to slip in unnoticed.


Glen didn't seem as lively in the next few days.

Although we received no news about Mr. Smith, we were still nervous. But as days passed by, we gradually forgot about it. With the advise of Chiron, I also made sure to check up on him. But he was gone. The staff said he resigned. I knew better. He probably gave up on catching...

Why did he think Glen was a demigod?

I observed her for a week after that. Where she goes to after school. What she does during breaks. But... nothing. She was plain, old Glendun. I've known her for so long. So how could I not realize she had godly blood running through her veins?

Regardless, it's not like she became the usual Glendun. She suddenly started becoming awkward with me.

Break just started, and we were sitting on our usual seats, Glen and I with our canteen burgers and milk packs, Alex with her juice and apple.

No one spoke.

I coughed, and started to fidget in my seat. "Glen... I think we should talk."

She looked up, momentarily stopping playing with her food. "... Talk."

I frowned, and fidgeted even more. "I mean... alone."

I saw Alex blinking. "What happened?"

I sighed inwardly, and gave her a look. Soon enough, she nodded and dramatically slammed her palm against the table. "It seems I'm unwanted here."

Before she turned her back on us, she winked at me.

I turned to look at Glen again, who was beside me. She was back to playing with her food.

"... I kind of noticed you weren't eating well these days," I started.

She looked up at me and managed a lazy smile, "I'm on a diet."

For a moment, she was normal Glendun, with her corny jokes and her swag, but the light in her eyes died yet again, and she looked down at her food. "What do you wanna talk about, Icarus?"

I gulped down my saliva. "I know you're hurt from me lying all these years... about my abilities. But, I want you to know that I'm still the Icarus you played with and fought with for the past 5 years. So..."

She kept looking at me like I was crazy.

"So, I mean, you should be happier, I guess."

She blinked. "I'm not happy?"

I nodded my head. "You've been acting gloomy for the past few days, so I though it was because of me..."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, no. Icarus, I'm not even half hurt by you lying to me..."

Somehow, I tasted sarcasm in the air...

"But... It's true I am sad," she continued, her eyes downcast, and added, "But it's not because of you."

She didn't seem to be lying. "Then, why?"

She looked away, as though she was embarrassed. "I've been having... dreams."

I breathed in deeply. Normal people would just laugh at you if you'd tell them that dreams bother you, but in camp, you can't underestimate dreams. They were common for demigods, and at times, dangerous.

But Glen wasn't a demigod.

"What did you dream about?" I asked, smiling sloppily at her.

She huffed. I thought she wouldn't tell me about it after me reacting rudely, but... "Do you remember Mr. Smith?"

I was shocked by her question. Did she become traumatized by it?

"Yeah. I heard he resigned. Good for that bastard," I said, but she wasn't listening.

"Ever since the liar game in PE class, I've felt something weird..."

She was pale again, just as she was when she caught the ball.

"It's like... I don't know. I just feel as though I could run miles. I'd feel as though I was strong enough to carry tons, but..." she laughed, her eyes alight with a mad glow. "It's crazy, I know. And I'd also feel... danger."

I didn't move after hearing her say that.


"Yeah, I know it's crazy. You know how I get at times," she said, looking away.

"It's not that I find it crazy. I totally understa-"

Before I could even finish what I was saying, the world shook.

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