The... Horse? (Prologue)

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I told her not to come with me. It was too chaotic. Our lives were in absolute chaos.

But on the other hand, I did tell her not to come with me.

Sitting in front of me, was a girl. Her braided, brown hair was now hung loose and was all over her face.

I knew that face. Of course I did. She was my childhood friend, after all.

Maybe not anymore.

"What in the name of Hades are you doing here!??" I screamed at her. Of course I was angry. Any demigod would be.

"I followed you, okay? I didn't know I'll be blown apart if I crossed that line. I didn't even know there was a line!" she screamed back at me.

"But it's just that. You followed me. Even if there wasn't a line to cross to. What kind of friend would do that?" I shouted back, louder this time.

There were tears on her face now. She was seriously furious at me now.

"Well! Tell me if it's a friend who would lie to his friend... If it's a friend if he tells another not to come with him, when he knows, he knows she'll come. You're supposed to know me. To know what I'd do. If you didn't already know I'd follow you, can you even call yourself a friend!? My friend!?" she screamed at me, hers even louder than mine.

Well, that's a record. I'm best known to be the loudest guy. In the mortal world, anyway. In my world, I'm a hero. But I'm particularly bad at it.

"Okay. Okay. Sorry. But seriously. I was so serious when I asked you not to come, too." I said with a sigh, scared I may have gone overboard with her.

Immediately, she stopped crying and put up a huge grin. Honestly, such a drama queen. She can act so well at times, I'd get scared of her.

But that huge smile immediately melted off right after.

"So, what now?" she asked with a worried expression.

"Well... You're here now. Might as well wait for the horse." I replied after giving it a thought.

"Okay." Then her eyes widened, "The... horse?"


Hello! This is my first fanfic, and this is still the prologue of the story.

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