The Boss

180 11 5

Ethan's POV


"No! No way! Ok, look Zach, I know you're my stepbrother and I'm sorry your singer quit last minute, but that is so not happening!!" I exclaimed as I clambered out of the van. My hands were cold.

"I told you he would flip out" James muttered unloading an amp from the back. I shot him an acrid glare and sighed shaking out my hair with a hand.

"Then why bother asking?!" I groaned covering my face. Zach uncovered my face, frowning down at me deep in thought.

"... Ok Tyler bring it out." he snapped his fingers holding his hand out. A plastic mask was pressed into his palm which, evidently, went around my head, making me jolt and try to duck away, but Zach was faster. "Look we all have one. It's a name we we're working on- Masquerade- anyways we thought it could be our "thing" you know. Maybe it'll help you out." He spun me around so I could see myself in the mirror James was holding out to me.

I wasn't recognizable.

I touched my cheek then the mask and looked back at Zach. There was silence lingering, but I could see my resolve cracking.

"You do owe me Ethan." Zach said walking to my side looking the mirror too. I sigh and drop my head in shock.

Was I going to do this? I barely sing in front of these guys- sure this is a tiny gig- but I was still trembling. But... Maybe. Just maybe. I think maybe this might just work.

I give a tiny nod and Zach claps happily before going off to shout directions to the others. As quiet as he was, on gig nights he became deadly serious. And commanding. And bossy. And persuasive. Because no one in the world could convince me to go out and sing in front of those people. Never. My hands shake at the thought.

"Ethan. Come on it's ok." James calls putting a hand on my shoulder. "No one knows who you are and no one ever will. If you don't like it, then this will be a one time thing ok?"

I look at my friend and nod absently. "Yeah, ok. Yeah. Yeah let's go"

The club's bustling with activity as we do a sound check, mix check, sanity check. Tyler keeps telling me to take deep breaths but that only makes me hyperventilate. So not helpful.

"Hey guys thanks for coming out," James says jolting me into attention, "we're Masquerade and, uh, I hope you like this." He gives a dazzling smile as the crowd claps then steps away from the mic. He means for me to go get it but even as the intro begins I can't move my feet.

This is it. This is where I will die, of embarrassment and shame and-

It's getting close to my starting line. I look at Zach who nods and smiled encouraging but mainly just looks to me like a death threat. 'You don't sing and I will tell mom that you're the one who actually broke the tv in 7th grade' is what it really said. It was still just as compelling however.

My legs stiffly walk to the mic and I grab it holding it to my lips as my part kicks in. It's quiet, I can feel the audience growing bored. I was going to cry when the song ended and there is some idle clapping. Zach comes over.

"Hey, that was great! Just... More energy, ok? Close your eyes and picture the garage, ok?" I numbly nod as he steps back. I look back out at the judgmental strangers in front of me. I feel there eyes saying 'Poor boy'.

I let my body relax going limp from the waist up. My eyes shut. I feel the beat of my heart line up with the drums that have started, signifying the start of the next song. My foot taps the time. My head nods the rhythm.

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