Getting to know you're accidental roommate

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Dylan's POV

I laid sprawled out on the floor thinking, since I obviously had nothing better to do with my free time, considering that I sort have already unpacked.

I miss Garth... I wish he was my roommate, I wonder what he's doing... It's been so long since we've talked, I wondering what he's doing, I think he's missing me! I have to call him to make sure he's okay! I sat up suddenly and snatched my phone, calling Garth quickly; he picked up on the second ring.

"Dyl, you called me ten minutes ago, what do you need now?"

"I just wanted to say that I really missed you! Like a lot."

He chuckled softly on the other side of the phone. "I miss you too, but you have a new roommate you need to get to know."

"But I like talking to you! Can't you come visit me?"

"No Dylan. I need to finish unpacking. Then I need to get to know my new roommate. I'll talk to you later Dyl."

I whined into the phone as a goodbye until Garth hung up on me. Rude. Finally boredom got the best of me and I had to leave my room, taking a quick glance at my walls, only half of them were covered in stuff; I would have to fix that later.

When I got to the living room, I saw my new roomie sitting on the couch with headphones in his ears. How was I supposed to get to know him if he didn't want to talk to me! So I did the only sensible thing there was and started cartwheeling
in front of him until he looked up at me, completely confused. Mission accomplished. Kidding! He pulled his head phones out and raised an eyebrow; I took that as my cue to start talking.

"I'm Dylan! But I guess you already knew that! Since we're now roommates, we obviously have to get to know each other!"

He blinked slowly and put his laptop aside. "I guess you're right. I'm Ethan, as you know. Um.... What else would you like to know?"

What else did I want to know? That's a good question. What is my question.

Funny how life works like that. Questions answer questions and answers are questions and questions are answers. Like what's the answer to life? What do you want it to be?

...... Anyways.

"Do you like Masquerade? Because if you haven't noticed, they're my favorite band. And then there's Boss." I sighed dreamily. "I love Boss."

Ethan stared at me like I was crazy. "... Yeah... I like Masquerade, but probably not as much as you..." I laughed. Yes! Goal complete! I'm the biggest fan obviously!

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked, which made Ethan look very concerned but nod slowly. "I've never actually been to any of their concerts. I sit there and wait for the tickets to start being sold and once they are, I never make it in time for some reason." I sighed sadly. Ethan sighed in relief for some reason.

"I've been to a few of their concerts, they aren't that amazing."

I nearly passed out. "Don't say that! They're my heroes. I love them." Ethan looked down, blushing with embarrassment.

"They've gotten me through so much! My older brother introduced them to me around the time they first came out and I have loved them ever since then! People think to be their biggest fan you have to go to every single concert, but I have clearly showed them wrong!" I grinned, thinking about how amazing one of their concerts would be.

I snapped out of my little fantasy a second later. "So what do you like to do Ethan?" He looked up at me in surprise, probably thinking our conversation was over. "Um... I like to play the guitar..." I nodded and gestured for him to continue. "And I like to read. I have the greatest friends in the world and the worlds three most annoying sisters and the quietest stepbrother ever. He's my age but didn't want to go to college." Ethan rambled on as I listened. He suddenly fell quiet and looked down. "Sorry... You just asked what I liked to do, but instead I'm telling you everything..." He mumbled. I blinked in surprise and quickly put my hands up before sitting next to him on the couch. "I just want to get to know you, so knowing everything just makes it easier!" I responded before he could continue. He looked up at me for a second, before looking back down at his lap. "What about you?" He mumbled quietly.

What about me? "Hm... My family is pretty great. I only have an older brother, he's serving in the military right now, his name is Derek and he's the best! He has a boyfriend named Aiden. Aiden's British so that automatically makes him cool! My parents live all the way the way in New York City. Me and Garth came here together from New York-." "I'm just curious, are you two dating?" Ethan cut in, causing me to blink in surprise. "No! No, we used to date, but Garth is like an older brother to me," I grinned, "so we broke up but we're still best friends. Okay... What else about me... Oh! I skipped a grade so I'm probably younger than you.... I think that's everything about me! I can't really think of anything else!" I grinned, sliding off the couch and onto the ground.

Ethan watched me for a second before giving me a small smile, causing me to smile back at him.

Yep! I think this will be a great year!

Sorry this took so long!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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