Cheater!Levi x Reader |I Love You| AU

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Warning: Mentions death and has cursing.

Author's Note: Oh dear, I love Levi so much but I just had to do this one. Anyways, on to the story!

"I love you".

He hadn't spoken those words forever.

"I'm coming home late".

He said this at least twice a week.

"I have to go back to work".

He told you this every Wednesday, like clockwork.

You hadn't seen it coming. You and him were high school sweethearts and got married when you were 21, him being 25. You remember the vows you had made- the ones promising faithfulness and loyalty. He swore to love you forever. And, you thought he would.

You saw it recently- he'd keep secrets away from you, he'd hide his phone, he'd talk on the phone when he thought you were asleep.

It's not until the day he had forgotten his phone at home when you knew. His phone had buzzed, alerting you of its presence. Figuring it was Levi just calling it to find it, you picked it up and read the message.

Petra- Are you coming tonight? Could you get away from her?

Eyes widening, you swiftly unlocked the phone and read the previous messages.

Me- Can't wait to see you tonight ;) Barely escaped y/n though. I love you see you soon.

Tears formed in the corner of your eyes, the phone dropping to the floor.

I love you.

Something he'd never tell you.

The pain you felt was unreal. Your heart felt like it was actually torn in two, and it most likely was.

Running to your car, you tried to open the door, but Levi stopped you.

"Y/n? Why are you crying?" he asked. If you hadn't known, you would have believed his innocent mask.

You yanked your hand away from him. His touch burned, not like it used to.

"You fucking know why. How dare you!? How dare you cheat on me?! Am I not enough fro you?" you cry out, tears falling on the concrete.

Levi stared at you in utter shock. How did you find out?

Opening the door, you slipped inside the car and drove away from your home, your husband, forever.

The tears blurred your vision as you sped through town. Your chest had grown unbearably tight.

Those were your last memories- the pain, the betrayal, the hurt- before a car struck your side of the car.



Wiping away stray tears, Levi answers the house phone.

"Hello?", he croaks out.

"Yes, sir, are you Mr. Ackerman?" a female voice comes through the speaker.

"Yea, why?"

"I'm so sorry, but I called to inform you that your wife, y/n, was killed in a fatal car crash this afternoon. We're very sorry for your loss".

The world came crashing down. His heart felt like it had exploded, and his fingers trembled. The phone clattered to the ground as he fell to his knees. How could you, his sunshine, his love, his soulmate be gone from his life forever?

He could barely hear the lady on the phone asking if he was alright as he sobbed violently.

I love you.

Those three words could have saved you.

Those three words could have saved him.

But, those three words were never spoken.

"Hi, y/n".

"I brought you some flowers".

Levi kneels down to the stone that had "Here lies y/n Ackerman" engraved on it.

Lightly stroking the stone, tears began to form in his eyes.

"I miss you so god damn much y/n. Please come back", he chokes out a sob.

"Because I love you".

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