DW and Sherlock

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Jack: So-
Stop right there! You can't make one of these with Sherlock! Sherlock is amazing, and I will not let you ruin it with Him!

Come down come down. It will be fine. Nothing will ruin Sherlock so shush and let Him finish okay?

Fine. But be careful on what you say got it!!

Yeah yeah.

Jack: so, do you like captain's because I'm one.
Sherlock: clearly your not a Real Captain of any ship. If you were you would not talk like that and would be boasting about your ship. Do you even have a ship? Clearly you don't because you smell nothing of the sea.


Yes. But you are done! Stop ruining Sherlock!

I'm no-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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