Chapter 1

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Purnima smelled the nylon carry bag which was used to bring vegetables, satisfied of finding no foul smell, she put the packet inside, giving it a loving peep, one month of labour before pulling the dupatta over head, she went towards the room where her siblings were studying....

I am leaving now, lock the door as I leave and don't open it for anyone, by anyone I mean no one except Pitaji or me....see through the eyehole and then open the door, don't make noise and study quietly and I will be back soon, much before Pitaji comes back....

But in case Pitaji comes back before you...her 10 year old sister Diya asked....

Well he has gone to Delhi and the bus comes late...I mean late evening....

Just in case, what do we say in that case, Diya's twin brother Dipak asked....

Say I have gone on delivery....

You are going to Dinesh Kaka's house....

Yes, Yes...I must go now, understand all the work and come back before dusk....lock the door properly...

Purnima pulling her duppatta to cover the better part of her face, stepped out, waiting till her siblings locked the door, she looked around...the locality was quiet as quiet can be, it was about lunch time but the houses were hardly making any noise. The curfew was on but at this time, in broad day light things were not that bad, one or two ventured out this time to do their urgent and necessary work. In the cover of darkness things became totally different though....Purnima bent her head and walked quickly, trying to keep on the road as much as possible within the view of the security forces, raising her hand at times to show she was unarmed, was safe that way....


Purnima was the eldest child of her parents, around 18, with her mother dead, her father ran a shop in the nearby market. Purnima was lady of the house. Alongwith looking after her much younger siblings, Purnima did embroidery work to supplement the household income and keep herself occupied during her free times. Dinesh or Dinu Kaka's tailoring shop was the most famous shop in Meerut. Dinu kaka stayed about a kilometre away from their house in Ganga Nagar colony but had two shops one near their house and the other in the city. Like Purnima, many other girls came to Dinu kaka's house to take order, hemming, embroidering, putting buttons, falls on saree etc etc., are some of the job which Dinu Kaka off loaded to them. It was 1984 and Meerut was reeling under the Hindu – Muslim riots for some months now. Not that things were better now but how long could people sit at had to do the bare necessities as life moved on, like her father unable to open his shop sometime now has taken the risk and gone to Delhi to buy some provisions from the wholesale market which he would bring and supply to the neighbours and earn something in the process. Dinu kaka's business was also affected. He too could not open his shops but then the retail boom had not hit India so hard nor mobile telephones hence many of his clients took the risk to come to his house as inspite of curfew and riots people got married may be not in Meerut but in neighbouring towns but without a piece of Dinu Kaka's their trousseau would be incomplete.

One such afternoon about a month back, Purnima went to Dinu Kaka's place if there is any work for her she met Sakeena. Purnima was very surprised to see her, what is she doing in a Hindu area at this time when the riots are on its height.....

Seeing her Sakeena gave a broad smile...hey I was waiting for you, she said hearing which Purnima raised her eye brow...

For me, she asked in a puzzled tone...

Yes for see I am getting married to my childhood sweetheart next month in Lucknow. The wedding is on 3rd but we will leave on the 1st....I want you make my wedding veil...remember the one you did for....

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