First Time For Everything

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This is the chapter that I had to rewrite and couldn't even remember all of what I had written which really sucks but here you go! And yes I ended up typing this all on my phone when I had nothing else to do at 3 in the morning lol! But it's dedicated to! JuicyPeach1 because Him has been keeping me preoccupied! Absolutely love that book!!! 

Gabriella's POV

Groaning as my alarm went off, I hit it with my hand to silence the annoying beep. It's eight o'clock and surprisingly, Gabrielle hasn't already woken me up for cereal, like he usually does; seven in the morning, bright and early. He must have had a long day yesterday, too. I don't blame him.

Stretching and rolling over onto my stomach, I end up flat on the the floor. "Dammit," I hiss, pushing myself up. "God, forgive me," I said, for cursing, and began to walk out of my room. Passing through the hall, I look at all the pictures of me and my family growing up. We've come a long way.

Stopping at Gabe's door, I crack it open to see my Angel fast asleep. He lay right in the middle of the bed, but all of his covers were kicked down by his feet and he snore lightly. Closing his door, I make my way back to my room abd into the walk in closer to prepare for my date with Ben.

I can't help but wonder what he is going to think of me. Are my teeth too big? Is my hair too nappy? I have a nice figure, but what if my butt is too big? Or what if my boobs are too small? Will he find my laugh annoying? Does he like girls that wear glasses? I just hope he likes me.

Not knowing what to wear, I decide on something casually sexy. My closet is shaped like a pentagon. The wall to the left of the door is filled with shoes, from jays to converse to stilettos. To my right, I have all of my purses; Gucci, Shanel, Prada, you name it.

On the right of the room, I have my classy, sexy attire, and on the left, I have my casual clothes for everyday wear. Leading up the point of the pentagon, I have, what I like to call, my all purpose clothes. That means they're good to wear on just about any occasion.

Right in the middle of the room, I have a three-sided mirror and a table so that I can have a place to put the clothes that I want to try on. On the back of the door, or the front if you're inside, I have all kinds of jewelry.

Heading to the point of my closet, I thumb through all sorts of things until I find the perfect dress. Just as I grab the dress, my house phone starts ringing. Throwing the dress on the table, I rush to grab the phone out of my bedroom.

"Hello?" I speak into the cordless, not bothering to look at the caller id.

"Hey baby! I was afraid you weren't going to answer! How are you?" Mommy's voice came through the phone making me laugh a little. She's always so dramatic.

"I'm fine Mommy. Thanks for checking on me." I tell her, making my way back to the closet.

"You know I had to beat that man after you left right? Child, I have never been so mad at him in life! Well except that one time when this bitch wa- you know what, that doesn't even matter. Sweetie, bring my baby over to me right now! I miss him already," she asks sounding like she knows I'm going to say yes.

I almost forgot I needed a babysitter anyways; but at the same time, Daddy said it himself that they aren't going to watch him. Well there goes my babysitter. "Mommy, I don't think-."

"Don't worry about David. He wants to talk to you anyways," she interrupts me. No good can come from daddy wanting to talk to me.

"I actually was hoping you would watch Gabe for me anyways," I tell her, my fingers crossed and eyes closed, prepared for a 'no'.

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