Meeting the omega

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Ludwig was coming to the omega house by his house find a mate. He was an alpha so by law he needed an omega. He was pretty rich you could say. So he supposed he should buy a nice omega. He walked into the meet and greet at the omega house. He was nervous and also interested. He had never actually met any unclaimed omegas before. The room was full of alphas and omegas. It smelt like horny alphas and nervous omegas. He sighs in annoyance and walks more in. He starts examing the omegas. They typically stood up straight and behaved themselves. They were supposed to be quiet and submissive for the potential buyers.. Not the red head that caught his eye. He was almost dancing around and humming something. He slowly walked over. "I'm Ludwig.." He greets holding out his hand to him. Feliciano's head shot up and he felt slightly intimated, seeing an alpha in front of him, but he shook the others hand just the same. "Feliciano." He piped, still bouncing on his heels and humming the little tune he had heard a while back. Ludwig gently sniffed his hand as was tradition. He blushed before setting it down and looking around. "Uh.. Tell me about yourself.. Age, hobbies, interests, likes, dislikes.. Whatever you feel like saying" he says after clearing his throat and looking at him. The Italian's  scent had caught his interest as his looks had too. Feliciano felt himself blushing, for he wasn't used to this kind of attention. All of the alphas walked past him, deeming him unneeded or a waste. "U-Um...I'm 21...I paint a lot! And I um I really like pasta!" Feliciano says happily. The German smiled. "Pasta..." He says slowly thinking. "I think I had that once..." He adds. He paused and stares. "Do.. You cook? And can you clean?" He asks. If he was going to make him his mate he had to be able to. Feliciano nodded slowly and says "I can cook really well...and I'm good at cleaning." He smiled gently up at the other. Ludwig nods and smiles slightly. "You have a pleasant scent.. Do you have any idea your price? Or should I ask about you to your master?" The German asked and looked around. "Oh, um..." The tinier male looked down. "I was never really told, I don't think he believed I would ever be sold. Y-You should ask him." He says and weakly smiled. Ludwig nods and awkwardly pats his head. "Soft.." He mutters to himself with a blush before approaching the house master. "Excuse me sir.. How much is feliciano?" He asks. The master's eyes widened. "You want it?" He asked, obviously shocked. "Oh, well... You can take him for a minimum price...hopefully you don't return him within 2 days." He chuckled out. "Minimum?" He repeats. He nods slowly. Ludwig wrote him a cheque and hands it to him. The man took it and shoved it in his pocket, waving his hand for the man to take the boy off of his hands. Ludwig walks back to the Italian. "Let's go.. Do you need anything before we leave?" He asked. Feliciano held up one finger and rushed off, returning back with something behind his back. "Let's go." He said with a smile. "What did you get?" He asked curiously and walked towards the exit. Ludwig gently pulls him away from an old, gross alpha and out the door. Feliciano was thankful for the gesture and he gently pulled out a small, white cloth glued to a stick, in the shape of a flag. "My brother gave it to me before he was sold out." The omega said innocently. "A flag?" He asks and gently takes it. "Hm.. It seems normal... Why would you want a flag?" He asks. Feliciano found himself smiling. "My brother and I lived together for a very long time...and he always made fun of me for being a coward, of which I am. He made this with the joke "you run away so much you might as well have a flag to surrender with." He giggles out. "Interesting boy I assume.." He says and hands it back.

The Italian omegaWhere stories live. Discover now