The house

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Ludwig lead him to an expensive car. "Get in please.." "Woah..." Feliciano's eyes widened and he did just so, climbing in and fidgeting nervously. He wasn't used to this... Ludwig got in and buckled up his seat belt before turning on the engine. "Do up the seatbelt" he reminded "Oh, oh yes..." Feliciano mumbled and quickly did the seat belt, sitting back awkwardly and clearing his throat before saying. "So...what am I..doing, exactly...?" "Hm? We are going to my house.. I have to warn you, I live with my brother and his mate.." He says and sighs. He drives off. "We get the bigger half of the house so don't worry" Feliciano nodded quickly. "Ooh! Is your family nice?" He asked with a smile and looked at the other. He fell silent before chuckling. "You might enjoy them.. They are a bit loud though" Feliciano smiled. "So am I." He giggled as they pulled into the driveway of a massive house. "Woah..." He exclaimed. "What's wrong?" He gets out before opening his door with a smile."I've never...seen a place this big before." Feliciano mumbled and stepped out, only to be attacked by a large albino, both falling to the ground from the hug. He grunts and pulls him off. "Bruder! Off mein mate!!" He says as he pulls Feliciano to him closely. Feliciano blushed as the man laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry about that! I'm Gilbert! And my mate, Matthew, is in the house." He says and smiled. Ludwig groans and pulls away. "Don't bug him please.." He sighs. "let me show you OUR room" Ludwig says with a smile. traditionally mates share rooms. Feliciano blushed, never having been shown this much kindness. He tried to remind himself that Ludwig bought him - that he could've chose anyone and he just happened to choose him. There wasn't any potential love there...right?
He lead him into the big house. He walked to a medium room plain with a bed. "Here.." He mumbles almost shyly.  "Woah..." Feliciano whispered again. "It's a bed! With a mattress!!" "Yes? Don't all?" He asks. Most alphas didn't know how hard the omegas were raised. "No! I slept on the floor." His eyes widened suddenly and looked at the other. "DO I GET FULL MEALS HERE?!?!" He yells scaring his new mate. "Huh? Yes.. You will probably cook some of them though..." Ludwig says slowly. "That's fine! I get to eat! That's amazing!" He mumbles and smiled widely. "Uh.. Yes.. Shall I show you Matthew?" The German questioned. Italy smiled, gently placing his flag down. "Yes, I'd love to meet him!" "Come on.." He walked out. "Matthew? I have a friend for you!" Matthew slowly walked out with Gilbert, holding a small polar bear plushy tightly in his arms and glasses hanging off his face. "H-Hi! I-I'm Matthew." He greeted with a smile and Feliciano returned it."This is feliciano, my mate" ludwig smiled and stretched. "Matthew make dinner while I show him my dogs" Ludwig ordered as alphas normally did. Matthew nodded gently and walked off, Feliciano's eyes lighting up. "You have dogs?" He asked excitedly. He nods and smiles. Generally omegas served as sex slaves, for carrying babies and being maids or servants. It was normal practice. He lead the way to the backyard. There was a small mutt, a fat golden retriever and a fit German Shepard. Feliciano smiled widely and leaned down, the dogs immediately jumping on top of him and making him laugh as he scratched all of them behind the ears. He watched proudly. "These are mein dogs,  Blackie, Berlitz, and Aster" he says pointing to each. Feliciano smiled widely and stood up. "They're adorable." He smiled. He grunts. "They are manly.." The fattest one, aster sniffed at Italy's butt causing Germany's face to go red. Feliciano laughed at both of them and rolled his eyes. "Alright - MANLY." He said. "He is just smelling you are omega.." He mumbles as he picked up the fat dog and carried him off. "Bad.." Feliciano smiled and stood up, straightening out his smaller uniform. The mutt, blackie sniffs him before sitting on his feet. At last berlitz, the German Shepard growls before snottily walking off after his owner. Feliciano frowned and found himself laughing. "How rude." He smiled. Ludwig returns with a treat. It was a small bone. He handed it to feliciano. "Try to train them to like you" Feliciano stared at the other, unsure how to do this but slowly holding the bone towards the dogs.All the dogs rush over. The two purebreeds sit for it while the tiny mutt jumps for it barking cutely.  Feliciano giggled and patted the dogs head affectionately. "Who do I give it to...?" He asked Ludwig nervously. He looks st him and smiles. "I usually break it  up for them, three pieces"Feliciano nodded and did just so, breaking up the bone and giving each excited dog their own share.The small one took the piece before running to a tiny dog house. The German Shepard dug a hole and buries it as the golden retriever gobbles his down. Feliciano giggled as he watched it all happen, yawning suddenly and stretching his arms out slightly. "Food then bath then bed" he says more to himself as he watched. "Shall we sit and drink tea? Or coffee?" He offers Feliciano smiled and nodded gently. "Coffee sounds very nice." He agreed. He nodded and rose up.He led him inside and sits down in a chair. "Matthew! Coffee!" The german yells. "Coming right up!" Matthew called and Feliciano thanked him profusely when he was given the coffee. Ludwig smiles and politely thanks him. Gilbert casually walked over and smells feliciano. Feliciano blushed as he gently sipped his coffee, head tilted as he looked at the other. "He was a sweet scent.. Can I try him out?" Gilbert says casually causing Ludwig to choke on his coffee. "Don't lay a finger on him!!!" Ludwig screams. Feliciano whimpered softly and scooted to the side slightly, away from Gilbert. Ludwig pushed his brother away. "I'm sorry feliciano" he growls and glared at his brother and sighs. Feliciano laughed ever so softly. "It's fine..." He whispered out and finished his coffee.Feliciano blushed and nodded gently. He nods and slowly lead them back to their side of the big house.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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