D Gray Man and FullMetal Alchemist Crossover

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Like always. My oc is the main character but a bit different, she hasn't met Ed or Al or Winry. The only people she has met are State alchemists other than ed 


I am walking around the black order, as I normally do making sure komui, the purple haired Guy who runs the science department and overobsesses over his little sister, hasn't made any new of those crazy robots he calls Komorins. Gladly he hasn't made any as of late. I remember how Allen always has link following him around because of the fourteenth. I am also a reincarnation of the fourteenth but the order doesn't know that, they think I just have the ability to use the Ark. A finder walks over to me and tells me to go to his office what did he do this time? I think to myself and start heading towards his office. 

When I get to his paper strewn office I find, Allen, link, lenalee, lavi, Kanda, and Miranda are already there. My brother, Allen, just smiles at me. Link is standing behind allen, as usual being a piece of furniture. Kanda is leaning against the wall seemingly in a bad mood, as always. Lenalee is standing next to her brother, Komui, while he obsesses over her. Lavi is leaning against the wall as well but he is smiling and telling jokes which nobody is listening to. And Miranda is sitting in a chair being silent. 

Komui then stops obsessing over Lenalee and gets everyone's attention "You seven will be going on a mission" 

"Where is it?" I ask 

"A small town called Resembool in a country called Amestris" 

"Amestris?!" I ask 


"That's where I am a state alchemist!!" 

"So you should know your way around" 

"of course, but I have never been to resembool" 

"you are authorized to use the Ark for this mission" 

"Which of us will use it?" asked Allen 

"Marie, she knows where the capital city called Central is, from there you guys will take a train" said komui 

"Kay! what is our mission?" I say 

"you will find a piece of innocence which possibly has an acomidator in that town" 

"okay. when do we leave?"


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