Chapter 2

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Keith POV

        I walked to my room with a cloud of rage and agony trailing over my head. I sat on my bed and thought all about how Sara has betrayed me. How my love wasn't good enough for her.


     I was walking past her room when I heard a terrible moaning noises moan and beg for more and then it was silent. I felt like crying. How could she do this to me?! I gave her everything and she turns around and cheats on me. How could she look at me with that beautiful lying cheating innocent face that smiles at me every time she says 'I love you'. Was her love all a lie? Was she just like every other woman in the world, just after the power and money or just for a good lay. I need to think this over.

End of Flashback

       I sat on my bed and thought of how I was going to confront her. She was going to be here soon since we were going on a date because work has kept me busy. She walk in with a glowing smile on her face. She tilts her head to the side and asks "Keith what is the matter?" I don't know why but I went over the edge. "Why I'm mad. WHY I'M MAD! I WILL TELL YOU WHY IM MAD YOU ARE SLEEPING WITH ANOTHER GUY AND YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO ASK WHY IM MAD!?!?" I blew and she looked at me with her innocent eyes shock edged into her features. Her face twists with confusion and says caustically "Keith what are you talking about I haven't been cheating on you, I have been planning our wedding!" Her voice rose with irritation. I can't believe she is going to argue with me about it at least she could come right out and admit that she was in the wrong. " Yeah right don't give me that bullsh*t, I heard you!" I was basically screaming at her now. Instead of arguing back she decided to walk away, oh no I am not don't with her yet! I grab her arm and yank her to me instead of falling into me she fell and hit her head on the table. I watched in slow motion as the vase rocked back and forth until falling on her head and shattering. I stare in disbelief as she get up with tears in her eyes. "You... You.... I don't even have a word to describe you right now because the man I love would have never laid a hand on me. Who ever you are doesn't love me enough to trust me then maybe I don't belong here!" She yelled and to be honest it broken my heart even more. She and a deep gash on her forehead and others around her face. She ran off and I just went back into my room and poured myself a drink. I am going to wait a few hours then go talk to her. So I decide to go catch up on work.

Time skip

        I walked to her room casually it was eight in the morning. I list track of time at work and I forgot to visit Sara. I knock on her door and wait for her to open the door. She is usually up by now and I start to worry. I open her door to find her bedroom empty, she must be in the bathroom so I sat on her bed and waited. Something shine catches my eye I look over and I see her engagement ring and a note sitting on the nightstand. I am confused look at the note an immediately begin to panic the note said.

'Dear Keith,

      I am writing this note to say goodbye. You have been avoiding me for months now and when we finally get time alone together you accuse me of cheating. You hurt me. I'm not talking about my physical injuries from yesterday but the emotional and mental stress that has brought me to this point. Yesterday was the last straw I'm sorry. I know you will find another woman that is stronger, more beautiful and smart that I am. I will not burden you anymore.

Live a happy life,


    I broke down in sobs. She left. She left me. I cried for hours until I composed my self enough to think clearly. I have to find her.

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