Chapter 5

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Keith's POV

She's gone again. I look at a note that was left in Sara's room before I discovered that she was gone. It said 'Keith, you were so desperate to regain my forgiveness. You resorted to your old habits and I will not deal with this. I'm sorry but I went home to America, I live on our farm in Tennessee I do not want you to follow us until you really decide to change. ~ Sara'. I stare at the note I had work to do I couldn't get out of it. Also I was secretly planning a beautiful date with Sara and Isabella. We were supposed to go to a carnival and have a regular day together. Even though she isn't my child I would treat her as one of my own. We would have a family moment and I would win love and trust so we can have a real family she will become my wife we will have children of our own so we can give Isabella some siblings.

The door opened and Luke walked in with my breakfast and some tea. He looked at me in pity but then his face shone with determination. He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. "I'm sorry your Highness but you have been a complete jerk to get. You expect to have her drop on her knees and beg to come back. YOU NEED TO GET YOUR BUTT UP AND GO GET HER BEFORE SHE FALLS FOR SOMEONE ELSE AND FORGETS ABOUT YOU!!!!!" His voice raise and I wince at the truth that was spouted in my face.

I look up at Luke with pleading eyes "What shall I do? I don't know how to fix this. The date was my way of fixing our relationship." Tears started to well up in my eyes as I looked at Luke he stood there thinking of a perfect plan to win her back.

"I got it!" His face splits in a wide smile "We wait a week or two so we can plan. We need supplies and to get you ready. This is perfect to get you two back together then your daughter and Sara will become one big happy family!" I sat there in shock as Luke kept rambling on about his plan. My mind went blank. What does he mean my daughter!? Oh My God her eyes! The way she has a passion for basketball. I have a daughter that I just let slip out of my hands along with the love of my life. A new sense of determination sets in and I will stop at nothing until I get them back.

Sara's POV

Work at the firm is wearing me down. A new horse was just born, so I had to take care of him. Izzy has been training so she can get on her basketball team at school. She has been working so hard, I just wish Keith was here to see his daughter work so hard. My departure was maybe a little over dramatic but I don't want to be hurt again. I may have been a misunderstanding when he thought I was cheating on him but this was coming. He was ignoring me for so long. The accusation was the last straw, I don't want to put Izzy through the roller coaster called castle life. I don't think I could even deal with it since I was drowning the first time. I might not make it. As I walked home from work I looked over to see a small green ribbon hanging off a tree. This ribbon was emerald green which reminds me of Keith's eyes this brings tear to my eyes. I wrap it around my pony tail and head back to the farm. When I reach the house I see Isabella crying on the porch. I run up to her, I see her basketball was popped and her basketball hoop was torn off the garage.

"Izzy, who did this? What happened?" I asked frantically she turned to look at me her puffy red eyes held so much sorrow.

"Momma a bunch of girls on the basketball team came over to help my practice. Instead they yelled saying I would never make the team and that I was the worst basketball player they have ever seen. They popped my basketball and pulled down the hoop, they popped the ball daddy gave you. I broke it." She started sobbing hysterically, I looked closer at the ball. It was indeed the ball that Keith had given me on one of our dates. It even had the indentations of were we played. This was the only object I had left of him. I turned away from the ball and hugged Izzy.

"Isabella. It is okay that you wanted help and that you popped daddy's ball, which I can fix same with the hoop. But I will not tolerate bullying, what are these girls names so I can talk to there parents. She named the girls names, which were Sofia Evans, Carly long, Jennifer print. I picked Izzy up who had fallen asleep in my arms. She had such a long day. I put her to bed since her crying had exhausted her. I then called a meeting with the parents of these girls, I sat in a conference room glaring at these people.

"Thank you for attending this meeting I wish to ask one question. What gave your children the right to assault my daughter and destroy private property. I certainly did not give them permission and judging by your reactions you did not give them the permission either. So I suggest to keep your children under control before I have to go to drastic measures to put you and your children in your place." I growled out one of the fathers stood up and growled back.

"Is that a threat Miss Schoedel." He stared me down with a weak glare that couldn't even make a child flinch.

"That Sir is not a threat that is a promise. Now get out of my sight before I force you out." I say with a deathly calm with a loom that made his face pale. They all hurried out of room as I waited for my co workers to arrive to start a meeting. I get a call from my babysitter.

"Miss Schoedel! Izzy is gone she left a note saying that she went to find her father to get you a new basketball. I can't find her anywhere!!!" The babysitter yelled through the phone. I dropped my phone and sprinted out the door, we're could she be in Tennessee there is not very many people in town so if no one has seen her I don't know were she will be.

Hey guys this is Mizz Whitlock

Yeah this was a short chapter. Sorry.

I also left with a cliffhanger so comment and like.

Tell me what you think!!!

~ Mizz Whitlock

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