second meeting

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You have gone on lock down. You bought a mini fridge, dead bolts for your door,alone with getting ride of your window all together. But it was to late you already got the interest of a world famous criminal. So really You just waisted money. You dint know this so waist your money you did. Either way you were screwed. She was going to kill you or at least that's what she had in mind when she came back that night. Though against your best efforts you still fell asleep. Fox once again sneeked into your room like she did last time. This you did not know of.
Obviously with you being asleep. Instead of rushing it like last time she had a plan for you. FOX was to kidnap you bringing you to the beats house merely to torture you. Then in the end of it she would slowly peal of your skin and sell it on eBay as a Halloween costume. Lastly if you had any blood left she would harvest it so her friend squirrel could paint a picture like she does with all her other memberal murders. Sitting on your window cill she thought of every little horrible thing she would do to you. That's when she noticed the mini fridge. Quickly turning to fox form SHE scampered across the room. Turning back into half human SHE open the fridge an began to stuff her mouth. Though even with as quite as Fox was being you woke up. Hearing the lack of you sleeping Fox looks up with food in her arms and cheeks stuffed. Her eye you could see resembled a deer caught in head lights. Quickly SHE thanked you for the food blindly throwing a knife and jumped out the window.

You were in a small cafe down town. It was a couple weeks after the fury cussing in Italian and, you could get her out of your mind. Let alone the other rambunctious furys. Slowly you walked into the cafe thinking your were going to have a nice care-free lunch. Nope this world is being inhibited by the beats crew. As you were walking in another girl was walking out with her face burning. Either from the baristas there was no one in there either from the three from the park. The squirrel girl was sitting on top the counter with her tail flirting with a male employee behind her. Fox was staring down the male with look that could kill 3/4 of the world. Much like how squirrel rants about. Bunny was telling off Squirrel about anything. Switching between laugeages that you couldn't even name. Slowly you walk to counter. Bunny felt a preccence behind her. Slowing she turned around waiting to say what you wanted. Behind her squirrel was making funny faces and mocking the shorter woman. Trying not to but you laugh causing bunny to snap her head back. Which looked liked it would give someone whiplash. Though even faster than that squirrel snapped back in place. Bunny started yelling again but the other girl just rolled her eyes. Slowley she turn to fox and they both got a very mischievous smirk. Both them shouted somthing that sounded like Russian. Rushing out the door The male barista shouted for squirrel to call him. Ignoring him she kept running. Bunny stomped her foot on the ground huffing soon following the other two fools.

You tried to text and call that number at least a thousand times. Yet to your dismay it always wouldn't send or would be static. You were sitting in a tree at your local park as you stared at the text she had sent you. You just read it over and over again. Hoping maybe something would reveal its self and make everything clear. Alas nothing changed. You huffed in defeat and pocketed Your phone. You closed your eyes and imagined the girl in the best of detail you could. You felt the breeze blow by then slowly die.
"Whatcha thinking about" said a curious voice right next to your ear. You jump in surprise and look to your side. The girl you were thinking about was now dangling upside down from a branch above you. Her face was maybe two inches from yours her breath smelt of some kind of pop drink. You stared at her taking in the details of her face. "Your boring" she said and her face dropped in disappointment. Quickly she UN hooked her legs from the tree and fell to the ground some how landing on her feet. And she walked away swaying her hips. That's when you got another text.
'Meet me at the park morrow at 12 am also I'd prefer if you dint stair at my ass'. You blushed how...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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