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We turned into the driveway of a beautiful three storey house. We stared at awe at the glass house which was our new home. Bella smiled and got out. We followed her. She took my hand and Carlisle's and led us in. Me and my brothers passed into the house but turned to find Bella standing out. "babe come in. "Emmett said. Bella smiled and said. "till Charlie who is the owner of the house doesn't invite me in, I can't come in. "
"well in that case welcome to the house Bella. " Charlie said coming up beside her. She smiled and kissed his cheek skipping into the house and standing by Emmett's side. He smiled and hugged her to him. Damon and Stefan entered the house after getting invited from Charlie. We talked for many hours exchanging stories of our Times and changes. After we got to know everyone, Bella turned to Damon,"ready to be a woman man Salvatore? Because I won't have you hurting my sister. " we beamed that she thought of our family as hers. I felt love, fear and hope from Alice but only determination and love from Damon. He smiled and said, "I don't think I can hurt her. I promise to be faithful to her but I can't promise to not be an ass at Times. "
Bella and Stefan laughed and Bella said, "u can't be yourself if you are not an ass Damon. " he playfully scowled at her as she laughed.
"ya ya whatever Bella. I mean if u can can give up the playboy ways so can I, what say ?" Damon said smirking. We stiffened slightly but Bella shot him a smirk and nodded. "technically I was a playgirl buddy." they stared at one another and started laughing. We relAxed. Stefan shook his head and went to the bar. He came back with three glasses of alcohol and handed one to bella. One to Damon and took one for himself. They clincked their glasses and Bella and Damon downed it in one stroke. Stefan just held his taking a sip. "Come on steffy drink like a man not a high school girl. " Bella taunted him. He flipped her off and she stuck her tongue out at him. Damon chuckled. Stefan glared at him and Bella and downed the drink. Bella got up and stretched and my eyes shot to her exposed stomach as did my brothers. She glanced at us and winked. We growled lightly causing her to laugh. She turned to Stefan after removing her boots and situating herself on my lap. "so what's New in town? "
"my brother is still with the doppelganger" Damon said causing Stefan to glare at him and Bella to glare at Stefan. "Stefan? " she started but was cut off by the man in question. "look I know okay. But so much has happened. And Caroline is a vampire. Bonnie a witch. Tyler a nee werewolf. Elena controls all of them. They all will do anything for her. Also the latest vampire hunter alaric is dating Elena's aunt. Everything is connected to her. Also Elena's birth mother has made an appearance. So.. " he trailed off when Bella nodded and smiled. "so Isobel is back. That means the bitch of the century is having her puppets do the dirty work. " Damon nodded as did Stefan. "bitch of the century? " Rosalie asked. "Katherine " Bella and Damon spat out her name as Stefan scrunched his face. Damon and Stefan proceeded to tell us what had happened in the past months (season 2 of tvd before Elijah meets Elena)
Bella is thoughtfully listening to everything. Just as she is about to say something, stefan's phone rang and he picked it up groaning. "what is it Bonnie. ??"
"Elena has been kidnapped by that rose girl and Trevor?? " a girl said on the other line. Bella's expression changed into a contemplative one and she smirked as the conversation progressed. Stefan asked the girl to stay put and that he would get Elena back. He hung up and groaned sitting back.
"this girl can't stay away from problems, can she? " he growled. My family were shocked that he was talking that way about his girlfriend but Bella just chuckled and said, "that's doppelgangers for you. Anyway Damon and Stefan, go and save her. And ya tell the man to whom they have taken her that Isabella missed him and would like to meet him. Tonight at our address and talk at vampire speed so that needy doesn't know that we are here yet. " Bella commanded. Her commanding voice had me turned on and I am sure she could feel it. She wiggled her ass against my erection and I hissed grabbing her by the waist. She giggled and winked at me. That minx. Edward coughed out a laugh at my thoughts and I glared at him.
Stefan and Damon nodded and left.

I smiled. Finally. Finally Elijah was here.

twilight, tvd and originals - my 4 matesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن