Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So for those of you that don't know I wrote half of this chapter and then just stopped. That was about four years ago. It feels crazy to look back at some of the work I did when I was fourteen. Now that I'm in college I can't say that I have more free time to write but I can say that I haven't given up on this story. It may take four more years but I will eventually update. Who are we kidding? None of us could get rid of the shadow world even if we wanted to. I'm not going to stall you guys anymore, read away!


"Looks like you've had a fun night spit fire," said the smug douche canoe by the name of Caspian Haleson. Demon ichor covered my entirely black fashion ensemble, causing my boots to annoyingly squish. Smudges of the black blood traced my cheeks and dyed my towhead locks to a more sinister hue. 

"Just doing your job for you," I replied while angrily flicking demon blood off of my clothes at him. "I'm telling you Haleson, two more days. That's all you get off. It's all I can do to have my own back, but now I have to babysit the temps as well."

"It's not my fault I got hurt in the field." He retorted with a devilish smile, taking my soaked leather jacket from my arms and sending it with a passing Nephilim for cleaning. 

"Hurt in the field my ass. You took one martini to the face after which one was it again, Vanessa? Monica? No now that I think of it it must've been Veronica you broke up with last week found you at Pandemonium." He gave a cocky laugh to my comment of his promiscuity. That was always how Cas was, even when we were little. Flirting with the other girls in our class at the academy to do his work for him. Though that never slowed down his fighting. 

"Look it was a dangerous situation. She could've taken out one of my key features with the ladies. Anyway, Director Lightwood says that I'm good to go and should be back out with you tomorrow," he said. His eyes scanned the blades in the weapons room and fell upon his own. I knew he missed it, being out there, making the world a safer place. Even if it was only a few days off from work you could see it in his eyes. My ichor covered thumb rubbed against the side of his cheek, smudging the putrid blood on his face. He instantly moved away from the foreign substance.

"Well here's a relic from today's hard work. Don't worry, you'll get your fill tomorrow," I said while walking toward the Herondale wing of the institute. Loud tolls struck as we neared midnight.

Holding my boots in my hands I stared at the lushly designed gold "Herondale" name plate that hung above our residence. I would've taken it down by now and thrown it away if it weren't institute policy to keep it up. My hand reaches for the door knob right as it opens, revealing a face quite similar to mine.

"Shh. I just got them to sleep. How was it?" Hunter questioned as we walked towards our living room. Warmth from the fire place relieved the slight tremors my body made and eased my heightened senses. He placed my boots in the sink and turned to face me, his 6'3 frame towering my 5'4 form. Though it is only seven minutes, you could tell he was the older of us two. His body said seventeen years old, but his eyes held the wisdom of someone far beyond his years. I guess that's just how you turn out when you're raised in this life style. 

"You know, the usual. The Clave ordered temporary help for us, but they all fight like they've never held a Seraph blade before. Not too bad though, only one Dahak demon in the whole night club." He nodded before handing me a warm wash cloth for my hands and face. "How was your night in?"

"It was quiet. Dinner was at six, Lux spent most of her time after that tracing those rune stencils you made her. Memorizing them seems to be eluding her but she's got a good six months still until her Angelic rune ceremony to practice. Cousin Madzie had Jax with her all day so he practically fell asleep in his carrots," he said with a small chuckle.

These were what our typical nights looked like. One of us would get home from a hunt, the other would be watching the our younger siblings. A quick recount of what happened while we were on our own and then off to bed. The next day we'd switch. This is what our life looked like for the past five years, ever since Lux was four and Jax was an unknown variant. 

As if a psychic messages has passed between us we both know it's time for us to go to bed. With a flick of a switch the fire in the living room goes out and all light in the room ceases to exist. We pause at our respective doors, a large golden "S" and "H" hanging on them. We threw each other a look that said "I would love to hug you goodnight but you're kind of covered in demon guts so I'm saying it with my eyes," and walked into our rooms.

After a well needed and thorough shower I was ready for bed, adorned in silk sleep short-shirt combo. My muscles screamed for sleep but my stride brought me to the bay window. As I lifted the heavy glass panel a gust of wind blew in familiar scents from the outside New York air. My hand fumbled for the piece of chalk kept in the sill an drew another hopeless line on the brick wall. My face turn up to the stars where I knew the angels had to be watching out for me, thanking them silently for their gifts and abilities.

A single tear made its way out of my eye before I could force them away. I didn't even have to count the lines to know what it added to. One hundred eighty-two days. Twenty-six weeks. Six months. That's how long they've been gone.

They haven't been back from Alicante to see us once. The famed Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild-Herondale. Always gone on "mission." What a load of bullshit. I'm seventeen yeas old and I have a whopping total of two memories with them. They never wanted the family they had, and now it's my family to take care of.


So what'd you guys think? I really love writing in this world and I'm so happy that re-watching the television show sparked my need to write again. I have read the books, watched the movie, and the television show so this story will be a mix of different elements of all of them. I had some people in mind for the cast list but I don't want to ruin anyone's vision of the characters if you already see them as a certain way. 

Just leave me a comment if you want one and I'll post it in between chapters. I really hope to have another chapter out in the next couple days but who knows with this stuff? Either way thanks for stopping by and remember you are always loved!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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