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It's been 8 days. 8 days since I've last saw him. The last thing I remember is him gripping me and the bruise he gave me. It has actually been weird since then. It's been 3 days since we last talked, and it wasn't even a long conversation. I'm very worried.

I sit on my bed just thinking. I don't know why I feel so uneasy right now. Like as if someone would just run through my bedroom door and take me out with a single bullet. I know it's definitely not that. I stare at the ground, and I can feel my heart beating fast. I feel something is coming, that something is going to happen. It was as if it was premonition. My body jumps as the door knocks loudly, and it was as if my heart jumped out of my chest. I put my robe on and my slippers, and head downstairs to the door.

I wish I never opened it.

As I open it, he was standing there. I have never been more shocked, surprised, angry, and scared.

He stands there, staring at me.

''Well, you look lovely this morning.''

He sarcastically says.

''What the fuck are you doing here, Levi?''

I suddenly snap.

''Relax, I just need to talk to you. May I come inside?''

He asks, so politely I wanted to slap him. I can't believe he is standing on my porch right now.

''How the hell did you find me? How the fuck do you know my address?''

I ask him, and grit my teeth.

''Alright then.''

He suddenly walks past me, and inside of my house. I didn't argue. I close the door, and then turn around and look at him.

What does he want from me?

He suddenly looks around, examining everything.

''I must say, you have a surprisingly organized home.''

He says.

''What do you want from me?''

I suddenly ask him.

''What I want from you? Hmm... Why did you walk out on me so fast that day?''

He sits on my couch, crosses his legs.

''You obviously want something from me since now you're finally here in my home, which reminds me, again, how did you get my address?''

He changes the subject, again.

''The tip that I gave you, how was that? I bet it was more than they pay you for your minimum salary. Tsk, tsk.''

He says, and smirks then looks at his nails.

My eyebrows furrow in irritation.

I just stand there silently, and stare at this man who I met through a cup of coffee. Now it's as if he can't stay away from me. Now, he's in my house. I know he wants something, or he wants me. I cringe at how he grabbed me, and touch my arm.

''Nothing to say, I see. Don't worry you don't need to. I'd like to have dinner with you tonight, be ready by 9:03 p.m., sharp.''

He suddenly gets up and starts walking towards the door.

''Okay hold the fuck on. You're just gonna come up into my fucking house, be rude and disrespectful as fuck to me, stalk me, and then ask me out to dinner. You're fucking insane.''

affliction 》levi ackerman (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now