Chapter 5: When Curiosity Strikes

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Sorry for everyone who was waiting to the EXTREME for my story. It was not my intention to wait this long. I have no idea what happened. Seriously. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I've noticed that the other one seemed a little confusing so I'll fix it.

Please enjoy.
-- A.D.


"Hey, Naruto," Sakura suddenly spoke after watching her blonde haired teammate practice doing high kicks. "How come you're suddenly...flexible?"

"Yeah," Sasuke nodded. "It's weird. Your fighting seems cleaner too."

"Oh," Naruto barely noticed Kakashi inching closer to the genin to listen. "I guess I can tell you since we're a team! I met this guy named Yukimoto. He's really nice. He lives inside the Hokage monument. He can't get out though..." Naruto looked a little sad at that. "His arms are chained to this rock thingy..."

"Hmm..." Kakashi placed his book in his hip pouch, studying the young Uzumaki, "Can we meet him?"

"Sure!" The blonde chirped. "I was going to bring him some dango anyway."

"Does he eat anything else?" Sakura wondered. "What does he like?"

"Well, he can't really eat ramen so he usually just eats dango. It's all I can afford for him," Naruto said a little sheepishly.

"Hn, that's not exactly healthy," Sasuke commented.

"Yeah, I know..."

"Maa, maa. Let's pick him up some barbecue then," Kakashi suggested, giving his students an eye smile.


Naruto led his teammates up towards the Hokage monument. This was the second time he got to introduce someone!

He noticed that Shikamaru was standing by the stone almost impatiently. "Hey, Shika!" He called. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to replace the lights," The Nara sighed, holding up candles. "The others are about to go out." He looked behind the Uzumaki, "You're bringing them in?"

"Yup!" Naruto grinned happily.

"Troublesome," He addressed the others, "Don't be loud. Yuki isn't used to screaming and yelling." He mainly focused on Sakura, who blushed slightly.

"No worries, Shika," Naruto waved him off and bit his thumb, unsealing the entrance.

Kakashi studied the words with interest before following the children into the dimly lit hall.

"Yuki!" Naruto called, "More visitors!"

"Is it your team?" A voice asked.

Naruto entered a room, practically glomping a black haired man as he answered, "Yup!"

The man Team Seven saw had long black hair that reached the small of his back and curious brown eyes. He wore a simple light gray shirt with black pants and worn boots. His wrists were, indeed, chained to the flat circular rock he was seated on.

"Hello," He smiled kindly as they came closer. "My name is Arashi Yukimoto. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Maa, my name is Hatake Kakashi. These are my kawaii genin, Sasuke and Sakura."

Yukimoto smiled, turning to Shikamaru when he heard the rustle of a bag, "Is that the dango?"

"Yes, it was troublesome getting it," The Nara sighed. "Naruto couldn't decide on a flavor."

Yuki laughed lightly, accepting the box, "Thank you."

"We also got you barbecue..." Sakura said shyly.

It came as a surprise when Yukimoto actually beamed, attempting to lean forward only to be stopped by the chains.

Kakashi brought over the box of meat, placing it next to the other male, "Hope you enjoy."

"Thank you," Yukimoto gave the Hatake a warm smile.

Kakashi turned his head, feeling his face heat up, Why am I blushing? He looked back when he heard a small whine. Yukimoto's chains wouldn't let him eat the meat.

"Aw," Yukimoto sighed, looking at the meat he held with chopsticks.

"Here," Kakashi grabbed his own chopsticks and picked up a piece of meat. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Why was he doing this?

Yuki looked shocked for a moment before giving the ninja a grateful look, opening his mouth and eating the meat.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura looked at Kakashi in shock before mumbling, "I ship it."


Naruto let out an huge yawn as he got out of bed. He stumbled over to his bathroom, picking up clothes along the way, and proceeded to take an shower.

'Kakashi-sensei gave us the day off so I can visit Yuki. Maybe Sasuke would want to come too...'

Naruto dressed quickly, fixing himself a quick breakfast and packing some in a container, before darting out towards the Uchiha complex.

"Sasuke!" The blonde called as he stopped in front of the large gates.

One of the windows slid open and Sasuke's head popped out, "What?" He sounded slightly tired but not annoyed.

"Wanna see Yuki with me?"

"Sure," Sasuke decided after a couple seconds of contemplating. "Let me change."



Sasuke and Naruto walked to the Hokage monument together. Their arms would occasionally brush against one another but neither minded. They simply enjoyed the quiet atmosphere around them.

As they entered Yuki's place, they heard two voices shout, "Rock... paper.. scissors!"

They looked in time to see Kakashi with his palm out, sitting next to Yuki who had his fingers made into scissors.

"You're cheating!" Kakashi cried, pointing at Yuki, who laughed loudly.

Naruto blinked for a couple of seconds. Three thoughts made it into his head:

1) Kakashi and Yuki would make a nice couple.

2) Wow, Kakashi actually got Yuki to open up more!


3) How did Kakashi-sensei get inside?

He decided to voice the last one, "Hey, Kakashi-sensei!" He waved. "How'd you get in here?"

Kakashi shrugged, pointing a thumb towards the door, "I just did what you did."

Kakashi-sensei is going to be Hokage?!

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