Jack Harries #1

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Hey guys! (if there is anyone)

There haven't been any requests yet so I thought I could upload one of the first one shots that I wrote on Quotev.

I hope you enjoy!

  "Hey Jackamo," you said to him on Skype.
"Hey Skylar," he replied with a huge smile on his face, "how's my amazing girlfriend been?"
You smiled sadly and said, "I miss you a lot."
"I miss you too babe!" Jack replied with a sad look on his face. You and Jack had been dating for almost 2 years now (your 2nd anniversary was happening the next week). You two met while you were on holiday in England a few years ago and you bumped into each other at the beach while you were at the International Volleyball Championships (lol is that even a thing). You played for USA. You moved to the UK for a year but then you had to go back to America to play volleyball. You hadn't been allowed back to the UK for almost a year and you were going to visit Jack the next week for your anniversary.
"I can't wait to see you next week!" You said.
"I am so excited!!" He replied, his whole face lighting up instantly.
You guys then started having a long conversation and after about 2 hours, you had to hang up.

  *the next day*
"Skylar, Coach says we all have to meet at her house in an hour," one of your teammates Olivia said to you over the phone.
"Did she say why?" you asked. You didn't usually have meetings on this day.
"No, she just said it was urgent," Olivia replied.
"Okay, see you there," you replied, feeling confused.

  *skip to meeting at Coach's house*

"Hi everyone!" Coach said once you were all there.
"Hello!" you all chorused back.
"Now I know all of you are wondering why I'm calling a meeting today," Coach said, "and the reason is...the organisers of this year's International Volleyball Championships (IVC) in Brazil called me today to say that the German team has been disqualified and are not allowed to play in the finals for confidential reasons so we have been put in the finals next week!!"
Everyone started cheering...except you.
"Wait Coach, did you say next week??" You asked in shock.
"Yes, we'll be flying to Brazil the day after tomorrow and staying there for the whole of next week! Isn't this amazing?" Coach said enthusiastically, "And, unfortunately, you all have to come or else I will have no choice but to kick you off the team."
You opened your mouth to say something about flying to the UK next week but instead you said, "Sure! It's going to be awesome!"
You loved Jack so much but you didn't want to lose your place on the team.

  *skip to the next day*

"Hey babe! So excited that I'm going to see you in 2 days!" Jack said excitedly over Skype (it's a Saturday btw).
You smiled sadly but didn't say anything.
"Skylar, what's wrong?" Jack said, sounding extremely concerned, making you want to cry.
"I....I...." You stuttered.
"What's going on?" Jack asked again.
"Coach told us at an emergency meeting yesterday that the German volleyball team got disqualified so now we're going to play in the finals," you replied.
"That's wonderful! But why do you look so sad about it?" Jack asked, sounding a bit confused. You stared at Jack for a second and then it finally clicked for him.
"You can't come next week, can't you?" he said quietly.
"Jack, I'm so sorry, I love you but I can't lose my place on the team! Coach said we had to go or else we'd be kicked off!" you said exasperatedly.
"Skylar, why do you always do this?!" Jack yelled, starting to look really angry, "You always put volleyball before me! Why? I didn't mind at first but this is our 2 year anniversary! Doesn't that mean anything to you??"
"Jack, I love you so much-" You started to say but Jack cut you off.
"No, Skylar, I don't want to hear it. You don't have to worry about me anymore. Go enjoy your trip to Brazil. We're done." With that, he hung up. Tears starting streaming down your face. Jack was right. You always chose volleyball over him. Why does this have to happen to me?? You think to yourself.

*next day at airport*
"Come on girls, let's get on our flight to Brazil!!" Coach said excitedly. Everyone cheered except you. You went to go give the plane staff your luggage but you stopped.
"Skylar, aren't you going to give your luggage to the staff?" Coach asked. The whole team stared at you expectedly.
"No I'm not," you said confidently, "I have another flight to catch. Goodbye everyone."
"Skylar, what are you talking about?? This is the IVC finals!" Coach yelled at you.
"I don't care! You have always made me put volleyball in front of my boyfriend, now my ex by the way, and you were going to force me to miss our 2nd anniversary for it! Well, you know what? I don't care about losing my place on the team, I am DONE!"
You then turned around (with Coach yelling at you from behind), went to the ticket sales desk and said, "Hi. Is it possible for me to change my flight to Brazil for a flight to London please?"

  *the next day, skip the trip to London*

As soon as you landed in London, you got your luggage and took a taxi to the hotel that you were staying in. The staff were extremely sympathetic when you told them your story and they let you have an extra day in the hotel for free. You put your stuff down in your room and then started walking to the lake in the forest, which was you and Jack's special spot. You sat down on the bench and watched the little ducklings swim in the water. You smiled sadly as you started to cry. Once you started crying, you couldn't stop. You just sat next to the lake, crying your eyes out. You were just about to leave when you heard a voice behind you say, "Skylar?"
You turned around to see your one true love, Jack.
"Hey," you said quietly, looking at your feet.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be in Brazil!" he said in a surprised voice.
"After what you said on that Skype call, I realised that you were right. I do always put volleyball before you and it's not fair at all. I don't know why I chose something as stupid as volleyball over the one person in the whole world who I love so much. I'm a complete idiot and I understand if you don't want to take me back but I just wanted to say-" You started to ramble on but Jack cut you off by placing a soft yet passionate kiss on your lips. He pulled away much too quickly for your liking and said,
"Skylar, I love you so much. I'm so sorry I got so mad at you and also for making you lose your place on the team. I'm also quite the idiot and that's why I think we're so perfect for each other. I love everything about you, your beautiful ombre hair, your gorgeous hazel eyes that I always get lost in, how you always fuss about being tall for your age, how magical your laugh sounds, everything. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with you. So Skylar," He went down on one knee and pulled out a gorgeous diamond ring, "will you marry me?"
Still in shock, you just stood there for a second, letting the tears stream down your face.
"Hello? Skylar, are you with me?" Jack joked.
You giggled as you replied, "Yes I will marry you, you idiot!"
He chuckled as he slid the ring on to your finger and kissed you passionately.
Nothing was more perfect than this moment right here.

Hope you liked it :)
If you liked this one shot, please send me requests and spread the word!! :D xx

PS. If you want a one shot, look at the first chapter :)  

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