Calum Hood #1

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This is for I hope you like it :)

You were with Calum at a party to celebrate the end of the ROWYSO tour. You two had dated in secret for almost 6 months before your brother, Ashton, found you two kissing. Needless to say, he was surprised. He was mad at first but then decided to let it be.

Now, you and Calum have been dating for 3 years. His career was crazy but you supported him through it all.

As you were in the kitchen with Calum's mom and sister, Calum was chatting to various people outside.

"So, Lexi, you've been dating my son for three years now, right?" Calum's mom asked you, making small talk. 

"Yes, you're right," you replied, smiling.

"I think you two are perfect for each other!" Mali squealed, beaming.

"That's so sweet! I really do love him a lot," you said, smiling from ear to ear.

"Are you thinking of marriage yet?" Joy, Calum's mom, said quietly.

"Well, I would love to marry him but I'm not sure how he feels," you replied honestly, feeling slightly nervous as to what he thought.

"Don't worry sweetheart, he loves you! I'm surprised he hasn't asked you yet," Joy said assuredly, hugging you. 

"I would love to have you as a sister-in-law!" Mali said, hugging you too.

"Thank you so much! You guys are so nice!" you smiled, continuing to cook food with them. After another half hour, all the food was set on the table and everyone sat down. It was you, the boys and all of your families. Joy decided to host the party.

"This all looks so good Mrs H!" Michael said, putting almost everything on his plate. 

"Yeah, thanks Mom," Calum said, kissing her cheek. 

For a while, the only sounds heard were a few quiet conversations and cutlery touching plates. Once everyone was finished, Calum stood up and coughed to get people's attention. 

"If I could have everyone's attention please," he said formally, shaking slightly, "I just want to say a massive thank you to all of you for being here. None of us four immature idiots would be here if it wasn't for you guys!"

Everyone cheered at his words. Once everyone had settled down, he turned slightly towards you.

"That is not all I would like to say," he said, shaking like a leaf. You put your one hand on his and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"The woman next to me means the world to me," he started, earning a few 'awws', "Lexi and I have been dating for 3 years now and honestly, they have been the best 3 years of my life. I would like to say thanks to Ashton for giving me the permission to date her because she has changed my life for the better."

He then turned completely to you.

"Lexi," he said, looking right into your eyes, "I love you with all of my heart. I could look for the rest of my life and find no one as perfect as you are. I promise to love you for the rest of my life and to tell you that you are beautiful everyday for the rest of our lives. So," he went down on one knee, "will you marry me?"

He opened up a small, black, velvet box, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring.

"Yes!!!!!!!!!" you squealed, kissing him as if you two were the only ones in the room. He grinned and slipped the ring on to your finger as everyone else cheered and whistled. Nothing could have been better.

I hope you liked it! If you did, please send me requests and spread the word!! :D xx

PS. I love my brother xxxxxxxxxxx

PPS. Happy birthday Daniel Radcliffe!

PPPS. Wanna watch the new Ghostbusters but I have so much school work rn ugggh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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