Chapter 2: School and The Apartment

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

I opened my eyes in annoyance as some idiot continued to tap on the table I was laying my head on.

Groaning and half asleep I said, "Will you stop tapping on the ta-"

My eyes widened as I stared at the poster that had been laid on the table. Slowly, I looked up to the girl standing crossly in front of me.

"Hey Patty, how was the weekend?"

"Are you kidding me? Remember a certain project certain people had to do? Now, I distinctly remember that the particular project was supposed to be finished on Saturday. And guess what, somebody didn't show up to do the project leaving me to do all the work!"

I nervously laughed, "oh yea, that project. I may have overslept..."

Patty scuffed, "like I would believe that. At least come up with a good excuse! I should have known better than to trust anyone with group work. Next time, I'm working alone!"

And with that, Patty Melville stomped away with the finished poster board.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Patty reacted better than I expected, without the killing me and all.

I guess I will live for at least a little longer.

The bell rang for first period, and I got up from my seat and left the library. I often fell asleep there during mornings. I get to school an hour early because the house got loud starting from 5am, when my mom left for work. The school library was maze like and quiet, making it a great place to sleep.

As I made my way to English, I heard a shout behind me.

"Oi Becky, wait up!"

I looked behind me, only to see Adam. Fantastic. I started slightly quickening my pace in attempt to avoid talking to him.

He caught up to me though, with a red face and short breath. "I. Gotta. Talk to you."

"I gotta get to class, maybe later," I attempted to get past Adam, only for him to block me.

" This won't take a minute," he said, his breathing returning to normal. "What will it take for Anna to come back to me?"

"I don't know, I'm not Rhiannon. Ask her or something. Now if you will excuse me-"

Another voice cut me off, "Adam, we aren't getting back together so suck it up and deal with it. You're so lame, won't you just get a life and leave me to be? Now, leave poor Becky alone."

As Adam started pleading with Rhiannon to take him back, I silently mouthed thank you. Rhiannon simply gave me a wink and I got to English, which I was really late for.

I wouldn't hate Adam so much if he just left it at breaking up with Rhiannon last spring. A couple weeks later I was sent by the English teacher to get paper from the supply room, only to find Adam with Lacey. Apparently the real reason Adam broke up with her is because he had been cheating.

Lacey is strange. She is real popular among people yet has no friends. I always see her in the other corner of the library painting her nails or on her phone . Yet she always manages to get into the most exclusive parties and all.

Rhiannon never personally confronted Lacey for being with Adam. It is like she never blamed her for what happened. They have a silent agreement where Lacey invites Rhiannon to all her parties. I guess this gets rid of any animosity towards one another.

Lacey randomly comes and goes, sometimes skipping days of school at a time. She is like a version of Rhiannon, in a way. They would probably make great friends if they ever really got along.

I avoided detention in English as it was my first warning, and got through the rest of the school day filled with power points and notes. I luckily got to skip presenting the history project with Patty, who wouldn't stop glaring at me, because we ran out of time.

The dismissal bell finally rang during last period as the geometry teacher gave us homework. Luckily, I don't have to do anything because I did the homework as she kept going on and on about radical triangles.

I grabbed my backpack and met Rhiannon in front of her red car. She started the engine without a word and started driving onto the road.

"Becky, do you mind terribly if we take a quick pit stop before going home?"

I curiously asked, "where?"

"Someplace just five minutes away," she vaguely shrugged. "I promise I'll be quick."

"Alright then, I'll just hang out here I guess."

We parked under a yellow apartment building and Rhiannon quickly got out.

"Stay here, will you? I'll be five minutes"

And with that, she left. I started fiddling with the radio channels and looking at my phone, not seeing anything of importance. Five minutes past, then ten, then twenty.

I started getting restless after thirty minutes, curious what was taking Rhiannon so long. I got out of the car, checking it was locked, and started walking the direction I saw Rhiannon enter. I reached a door, only to see her on the other side walking out.

"Hey, sorry I took so long. Let's go now," she briskly said as she went to the car.

"What where you up to? You took a pretty long time..."

"Oh nothing of importance, just some little thing that dragged on longer than it was supposed to."


"Drop it, will you," she said, suddenly angry.

Hesitantly, I said "okay" and she started driving. A little faster than necessary may I add.

As she pulled up to my house, she turned to me.

"Hey, sorry I snapped at you. It was just some stupid little thing."

"Alright", I slowly said. "But hey, if you need anything you can trust me."

"Thanks Becky," she distractedly muttered. "Well I better get going, bye."

She left and I got home, which was luckily empty. I didn't want to go around explaining that I was thirty minutes late because I was sitting in a car at a dodgy parking lot.

I jumped to bed and sighed.

What was Rhiannon up to?

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