Chapter 3: Unexpected Visits

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I finally managed to keep my thoughts off Rhiannon and start doing homework, when my phone began to ring manically.

Sighing, I picked it up.


"Yo sis, what's up?"

I sat up, "Jimmy?"

"No, your other brother," he said sarcastically.

"Very funny. What are you calling for anyways, I thought you had class now?"

My eighteen year old brother recently started college in Washington, as in the other side of the country. He wanted to be as far as possible from home to be 'independent man'. Yes, those were his words.

He chuckled softly, "Yea about that, I am kind of coming to town."

"Really? School just started though! Did you get kicked out already," I suspiciously asked.

"No worries, I am fine back there. No, I decided to take a week off to spend time with my loving family."

"Mhm, I am sure," I said unconvinced.

"Okay fine, I forgot to get my diploma back in school."

I burst into laughter, "How did you manage to do that?"

"I don't know, okay? The college wants it now and they won't let me stall anymore. I tried getting it mailed but it wouldn't work."

"So you spent about four hundred bucks and a weekend to get it. Yes real smart."

"Just don't tell mom, okay? Tell her I came for a family reunion or whatever, she wouldn't take it too well."

"Okay, fine. When are you coming?"

"Uh, an hour."

"An hour?"

"Yes, so can you please get someone to give me a ride home?"

"Me? Ask your friends."

"The only one in town is Max and he isn't answering. I even tried mom and she wouldn't answer! Come on, please?"

"Fine, expect me to be late though."

I looked back at my abandoned homework and sighed. I guess Princess Eleanor would have to wait a bit longer.

Bringing out my phone, I pondered on who I should call. Mom and dad never took their phones to work, Aunt Katey was out of town, and I obviously couldn't drive.

I would have to call Rhiannon. I didn't know anyone else with their license, except Patty.

And Patty does not seem particularly pleased with me at the moment.

I quickly called Rhiannon, making up my mind.

"Hey Anna, can I ask you a huge favor?"

"Ask away darling, what would you like? An exotic alaskan elephant, or perhaps a dinosaur, though the latter would be a bit rusty..."

I laughed, "None of those would do, I'm afraid. Can you please pick up Jimmy from the airport?"

"Jimmy? What's he doing in town," she said, speaking normally again. "Did he get kicked out?"

Rhiannon knew Jimmy quite good because they used to hang out a lot. She spent so much time at our house, that Jimmy eventually had to start liking her which begun their friendship.

Everyone likes her.

Anyways, since she knew all about Jimmy's horrible luck, it wasn't surprising that she came up with the same initial thought as I did.

"No, he forgot his diploma."

"Just as bad," she said, laughing.

"I know."

"I guess i'm free at the present moment, I'll get him. I expect a fee though."

"Of what, a purple walrus?"

"That too, but you owe me a favor! Not now, of course, but whenever I may need one."

"Does the afternoon not count?"

"Nope! Future favors only."

"Deal. Although, Jimmy should really be the one paying up."

"Too bad. Now, when is your brother coming back?"

"An hour."

"Why, I better get ready then, should I not? Prepare for this fantastic adventure of a lifetime. Would you like me to pick you up on the way?"

"I don't know actually, I promised my parents to stay home."

"Aren't you a little goody two shoes," she chuckled. "Okay, I guess I simply get to have quality time with your brother then. Won't he be thrilled to have someone as amazing as I pick him up?"

"Totally. Thank you so much for doing this."

"No problem! Oh yes, and before I forget, I may have forgotten a notebook in your bag. If you see it, can you return it to its rightful owner?"

"Possibly. Wait, why was it in my bag?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

"Okay, okay. Once again though, I seriously owe you for this."

"Oh yes you do. Now I will leave you to the brilliant tales of Aquitaine and set about on my task,"

"Okay, bye," I said before discovering she already shut the phone.

Wait, how did she know I was doing homework?

Oh forget it, she knows everything.

As I looked in my bag for her notebook, I called Jimmy and told him Rhiannon was picking him up.

"Anna? Of all people, you had to choose her? Dammit Becky, why don't you have any other friends?"

As I went through all the binders in the bag, I suspiciously asked, "Is there something that happened that I'm not aware of?"

"It's nothing," he mumbled

"Hey, take the ride, walk home, I really do not care. Just don't say I did not help."

"I'll take the ride. Forget everything I said, and thanks for going through the trouble."

"No problem," I said as we went through our goodbyes.

Now where was that notebook? When I finally decided that Anna simply misplaced her book somewhere else, I noticed a familiar black and gold notebook.

How did I not see that? Strange.

I always see Rhiannon writing in it, but I never knew what about. I asked a few times, only for her to vaguely answer the question. I get it though, it is probably a journal of sorts.

And yet she leaves it in my backpack. Not very good at hiding, is she?

It tortured me that the book was right in front of me, and yet I couldn't read it. That is the thing with secret journals, it makes you all the more curious about its contents.

I finally put it over the fridge so I didn't have to suffer by its presence. And that was a very smart idea for a short while, before I started walking around the house in loss for anything better to do

Pacing around became tiring after awhile, and I finally remembered about my unfinished homework. It was the best thing to do because I hate doing everything last minute, and it gave me a distraction.

Oh blissful homework.

Sorry for the long wait! I honestly have no real reason except that I couldn't come up with a decent chapter. I hope you all enjoy nonetheless.

And thanks for the comments and votes in the last chapter! You guys rock.

Growing UpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora