Chapter Seven

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I wake up several times, but only for a moment. Then I black out again. Several times this happens. When I finally wake up, I see I’m sitting up in a bed and in a white room. The wall to my right slides open right when I wake up and President Snow walks in.
“Good to see you are awake Prim.” He says.
“Why was I asleep?” I ask.
“You were tired.” He says but that feels like a lie.
“Oh.” Is all I say.
“Prim, I’m going to show you some pictures and I want you to tell me who it is okay?” he says and I nod. He holds up a picture of a boy with dark hair and grey eyes. He looks like he is my age. He has olive colored skin and looks like her has some muscles. Still, I don’t know him.
“I’m really not sure sir.” I say and Snow smiles bigger.
Who is this?” He asks switching to a picture of a boy with blonde hair. His hair curls and falls in front of his face. He has bright blue. I look at him longer, but I still don’t know who is it.
“I don’t know who that is Mr. President.” I say.
“Alright one more.” He says flipping to the last picture. “Do you know who this is Prim?” He asks. There is a girl. She looks to be in her teens. She has the olive skin like the other boy and the same grey eyes. Her hair is brown and is in a braid. I look closer. She smiles but without showing her teeth. My smile looks the same way. She has a small nose with a few freckles on her face, kind of like me. I keep looking, but I can’t make the connection.
“I’m not sure. I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you who these people are but I don’t know. I’m really sorry.” I say afraid he may get mad that I don’t know them and start hitting me again.
“No Prim, its fine.” He says. “Now tell me, do you know the names Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Rory Hawthorne?” he says.
“Yes, I know the names. But I have some kind of bad memory with them. I don’t remember what they look like, but I remember pain when I think of them. I remember hatred when I think of those names.” I say. He smiles.
“Good. Now I want you to say you hate Rory, Peeta, and Katniss and you don’t know who they are.” He says.
“I hate Rory, Peeta, and Katniss and I don’t know who they are.” I say.
“Keep repeating it.” He says and I do. He pulls out a needle and shoves it into my arm. I close my eyes and I can see the faces of the people I just saw and I can hear the names of the people I’m saying right now. Then Scary things happen to them and they are trying to hurt me. They are also calling me things and saying they hate me, though I have never met them. I open my eyes.
“What did you put in my arm?” I ask.
“Something called tracker jacker venom. Just keep saying you hate them and you have never met them and then I am going to send you somewhere called District 13.” He says and I nod. I keep saying it and soon enough, I’m so terrified of these people I have never met that I start crying. After about an hour, Snow says that’s enough.
“It’s time to go Prim.” He says and I nod. He walks me to a hovercraft and he leads me inside.
“It’s too dangerous for me to go. You should be there soon enough anyway alright?” He asks and I nod. He walks out and when the door closes, the hovercraft takes off. I sit there patiently waiting to go to District 13. Even though it’s just a pile of ash. Maybe it’s not and I’m just really confused after that long nap. My head is spinning and I feel tired again. I want to lay down and go to sleep but I’m excited. I have some kind of memory about District 13. I can’t remember what it was, but it was a good memory. Something I was extremely happy about, but I can’t remember what. I lay my head down on the seat and wait. I wait the full hour thinking of nothing but what I could have been happy about. Maybe my mother is in 13. I haven’t seen her in such a long time. I miss her. I don’t have any siblings or a father, so my mother is all I have. Somebody comes over and pats me on the shoulders. I look up at the Capitol worker.
“Prim, we are here.” He says. He hands me an envelope. “Give this to one of the Doctors here ok?” He asks and I nod. He leads me to the door and I walk out. They take me far enough away from the hovercraft and to the ruined Justice Building. The guy that walked me out turns back to the hovercraft. He left me here all alone. I wait. I wait about 15 minutes before I see the ground start opening. Someone comes up. She has short white hair and looks to be in her mid-50’s. She looked kind of mean too.
“Prim? Primrose Everdeen?” She asks. I nod. “Come along dear.” I stand up from the step I was sitting on and follow her underground.
“Oh wait, I was supposed to give this to a doctor. Could you do that for me? I’m not really sure who but the person on the Capitol hovercraft told me to.” I tell her. She takes the envelope and opens it. I don’t want to say anything because she seems to be in charge of things. Her eyes get big and he mouth opens. She looks at me.
“Do you know Katniss Everdeen or Peeta Mellark?” She asks me. I instantly get scared.
“No. Are they here? Are they going to hurt me?” I am really scared now and I’m starting to cry. I can only remember the horrible things that went through my mind when that venom went into my arm.
“Prim calm down. You need to come with me right now.” She says grabbing my arm and pulling me through the hallways.
“Don’t take me to them! Please don’t take me to them! They are going to hurt me!” I scream. She ignores me. We keep running until we get to an elevator. She presses a button and we go up. We land ourselves in the hospital. She rushes out and grabs something off the wall. She starts yelling into it and I can hear her through some speakers above.
“This is President Coin. I need every brain surgeon and physiologist in the hospital to meet in lab 244 right now. I repeat, lab 244. Disregard your current duty right now unless it’s life threatening. Lab 244.” She puts it back on the wall and comes back to me. She leads me to a room which I’m guessing can only be lab 244. There are people coming in that are probably doctors. I don’t know what is going up but they lay me on a table with restraints.
“No! Not again I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me again!” I scream and I start crying again.
“Prim, no one is going to hurt you. We need to look at a few things though. Just stay calm.” Says Coin. I can’t though.
“No! Don’t hurt me please. Please don’t hurt me. Take me to my mom please! Help me find my mom and let me leave! Please don’t hurt me. I will do anything please!” I yell. Almost as soon as I yell that, someone walks in. She looks like the person in one of the pictures Snow showed me. The one with the dark hair and the braid and the freckles and the grey eyes. And that brings back bad memories and feelings of pain.
“Prim!” This girl yells and starts running toward me.
“No! Don’t hurt me please! Please don’t hurt me!” I yell and she stops in her tracks. Then, someone puts another needle into my arm and the world goes black.

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