Midori's pov

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Midori's mind
Before I passed out all I could feel was unbearable pain in my head. Now all I see is darkness." Midori get up you're going to be late for school" I hear my sister Mari call from downstairs. I woke up to find myself in my room. My head hurt at first and something didn't feel right.

I couldn't remember what happened before I woke up in my bed but I had a bad feeling about this. I went down stairs with my uniform on and grabbed some toast." I'm off" I said before leaving " have a nice day" I heard mari reply from behind the door. For some reason I feel uncomfortable wearing my school uniform. But I've been wearing it for a couple of weeks now. Right?

Once i got to school I took a look at the clock. 7:30 am. Don't I have to go somewhere before school starts? "Midori there you are" a voice called from behind me. I turn around and saw Aoi with tenma shindou and kyousuke ." Oh hi Aoi good morning " I greeted "good morning. Come on let's head to art club before kirino and kariya get angry at us" she said . Art club? I'm in the art club? "Yeah you guys should get going in going on ahead to music club" shindou said walking away from the group." I should head on to calligraphy as well" tenma said. Everyone left except for Aoi kyousuke and I ." Aren't you going to your club as well kyousuke?" I asked him" what are you talking about? I don't go to any of the clubs here. None of them interest me much." He replied "then what do you do this early in the morning." I asked" wow do you have amnesia today Midori you're acting rather strange? I hangout at the library just for the peace and quiet maybe even take a nap or I come and see what you guys are doing in your clubs" he replied before walking away . Aoi and I then walked to art.

We saw kirino and kariya sitting with 5 other student within the club room . Apparently they were all waiting for me because I was the club president while Aoi is the Vice President. We were supposed to think of an idea for the schools Sakura festival.

I suggested that we hold the event at night so we can hang lanterns on the trees and all students must wear a flower crown but each with different color representing what club they go to. The art club will wear different shades of green flower crowns. We even decide to make a thousand paper cranes and hang them on the branches of the trees as well.

We also wanted to design the entrance gate with two gigantic Sakura blossoms made out of paper mashe.

We finalized the planning then went to our classes. I never knew I was good at art but when I went inside the club room most of the art inside it were apparently mine. I love art and I love to draw but I never imagined being president of the art club. This day is getting weirder and weirder. Even kyousuke said I was acting strange. Something isn't right.

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