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Okay lets get started.
My fantrolllll zefroli we can call him z,

Z sat in his hive looking out the window. He missed going outside. He decides to get his codytop out to message his batty friend. He gets on pesterchum only to hear his lusus growling. Z gives a long sigh. "I just fucking feD yOu! GODfuckmyass!" Z grabs his swordkind at once and precedes to attack his lusus. He knows this is the only way. Food is scarcer than before and he could barely manage for himself as it is. He put his lusus down. Z inserted the jagged sword into the dog-like lusus's throat. Cyan blood swelled at his hands. Tears stream down his face as he quickly wipes them away to keep his mascara from smearing. It's time he gets hunting.
Plsss wait til ne x. Cahptor voet and fa v e!!!!!

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