1: Hoerrible encounters

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So I know it seems like forever since I wrote something but what can I say? I love writing and this is a story I really want to see blossom and see how people take it. I feel like I have grown as a writer and want to take another shot at this so please bear with me through the first few chapters as the story gets sets up but I promise as we go on, there'll be a whole lot to be interested in. Thank you for reading and taking the time to even check this out! I hope you enjoy :)



Chapter 1: Hoerrible encounters

"I can't believe this is your last day and this is how we're spending it together," I sigh, turning away from my laptop screen to the girl snuggled up next to me.

"Less talky, more playey," my best friend Avery murmured.

"I'm serious, I don't know the next time when we'll see each other again and instead of doing something where we could be making memories, we're lying on my bed having a Dan and Phil marathon when we could easily do this on our own at any time," I insisted.

"Oh c'mon Atiyah, it wouldn't be the same. You know how much I love your British impersonations and witty commentary," she jokes as she moves her head off my shoulder to look at me.

"Ok, true, but I don't know, I just don't want to feel like our last few hours together are boring and it's the last thing you remember us doing."

"Aw Tiyah, you know I love you and it doesn't matter if we're staring at blank walls for hours or go-karting; I'll always cherish the time we spend together," she consoles with a soft smile. As she said that, I look up from my lap and send her a silent smile of appreciation and browse through the recommended videos on the side for the next one to watch.

As the ad started to play, Avery refocused her attention back on the screen. My attention of the comedic Youtubers was long lost as my thoughts drifted away to more important things my mind felt the need to think about. Like how by this time tomorrow, my best friend was starting a whole new life in a different country and wouldn't be just a stone throw away. Having grown up with her for the past twelve years, it was going to be hard letting go of someone who really was like a sister to me. Being the middle child and the only girl was tough, but leave it to Avery to make me feel like I had three siblings instead of two.

She was truly there for me in my roughest times and helped me become the person that I am today –as cheesy as it sounds. Without her I'd probably revert back to my own weak self and that was no fun for anyone. Her brown wavy hair was currently up in a messy bun with her glasses resting just above her crown. Every time she laughed it would wiggle a bit and threaten to fall onto her face but she never reached that point of insane laughter for that to happen.

Glancing down to catch a glimpse of Dan and Phil in a very compromising position yet again, I chuckled and found my eyes wandering around my room at the different pictures lining the walls. I was never one to shy away from character and boy did my walls scream character. In short, my room could be almost like a time capsule of sorts or even a photo album because just looking around you could see my friends and I growing up a little bit more between each picture. Up until now Avery, Marciella, and I had been the three musketeers; having met Marcie a few years after Avery. We did everything together and ever since then I've had the both of them to lean on and get me through the crappy thing we call life.

Various pictures were starting to lift at the edges and at that I made a mental note to re-tape them at a later time when I was in desperate need of something to do or a distraction. Especially considering with the hectic roller-coaster of a life I lived, I needed all the diversions I could get. Though I don't like to think about it too often to depress myself, a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do. I didn't realize that the video was over until I noticed the phone camera in the corner of my eye and groaned as my hands immediately flew to my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2016 ⏰

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