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Hello everyone I just wanted to say thank you for stumbling upon my story and I hope we can enjoy the roller coaster of this story together. Don't ever be afraid to vote or comment because I love receiving feedback and knowing every single thought you have when you read something. Did a certain part make you pee your pants? I better see a comment about that. Did you accidentally make a strangled noise in public because of something in the story? I wanna hear about that. Did your fart smell so bad that you almost lost the spot where you were reading? I totally wanna kn- on second thought.....

I guess I've played around enough so here's a little snippet of what you're about to get yourself into.


Putting on a blank face, I looked up and said, "it's hard to adjust to change when everything I've ever known was temporary."


Life always has a way of  balancing itself out by restoring everything to how it should be. Sometimes it's accepting the ways of life that people often struggle with and creates the imbalance. Some people never really realize how broken they really are and all it takes is a push in the right direction by fate to make it known

Atiyah Adeyemi doesn't believe in fate but she does believe that if Ali Fahed pushes her any further, he's going to become Ali FaDEAD. Fate didn't really bring them together but rather her best friend and boy does she hate her for that. As the two become increasingly in each others presence way beyond their tolerance level, it starts to catch the attention of their senior class -much to their annoyance. It's uncanny the amount of times Atiyah's heard 'opposites attract' in relation to her and Ali because the only attraction that seems to be happening is pure trouble and destruction. Getting these two to tolerate each other is all Marciella Javiera wants and will stop at nothing until she gets what she wants. 

So grab your popcorn and 3D glasses because things are about to get a bit interesting.....and Fate's just warming up.


So how was that? Did you like it? Are you intrigued? Are you excited? Let me know down in the comments! Feel free to hmu anywhere:

twitter: queenfareeda

kik: aromatique

instagram: bombasstrology


And I want to leave a question for y'all to think about:

What are 3 things you look for in a significant other? 

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