Prologue.) The Start of Something New

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"Okay kids!" Stanley Pines- more commonly known as Grunkle Stan- exclaimed as minutes ticked down to when the twins had to leave for their first day of school in Gravity Falls. "Are you ready for school?"

Mable Pines- a bubbly girl with long, brown hair that was almost always pushed back in a colored headband- ran down the stairs, jumping to the bottom. She was wearing her signature shooting star sweater and a navy blue skirt with rainbow tights to complete the outfit. Even though she dressed and acted like a child, she was 15- the same age as her brother, Dipper Pines- and could be very serious when the situation called for it.

"Of course!" Mable cheered brightly, pumping a fist into the air- she had always been one to love school, though it was mainly more for the fact that she could meet up with her friends more than the actual learning part of it.

"Do you think I'll fit in?" she asked, suddenly nervous. As her hands rolled the edges of her sweater back and forth, she waited for her Grunkle's response.

Luckily, it didn't take long for Stanley to answer. A bright smile made its way onto his usually glum face as he answered in complete truth, "I think you'll fit in perfectly with everyone! Besides," he continued. "You already know most of the kids your age in Gravity Falls from your first summer."

Mabel beamed, her smile blinding! For the first time in a very long time, everything felt right. It felt like they were a normal family for once- well, as normal as a family in Gravity Falls could get.

But the moment was broken by the quiet mumbling of someone walking down the steps.

"Yes," the voice said very softly, almost too soft for the other two to hear. "I know."

A boy with the same brown hair as Mabel stopped at the bottom step and looked up at his sister and great uncle. While Mabel's face was always associated with a big smile, his face was hidden under his bangs. A frown seemed to be permanently etched onto the boy's face as he glanced down at the floor, ignoring the stares of the people in front of him.

"Is it time to leave yet?" he asked quietly enough that Mable and Stanley were forced to star in their ears to hear the boy's words.

Even though the way her brother was acting hurt her, Mabel gave him one of her signature smiles and put an arm around his shoulders in an attempt to cheer him up. An attempt that failed.

"You betcha'!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Are you ready to face another adventure, bro-bro?" Mabel used her nickname for Dipper in the hopes of trucking her mind into thinking everything was normal.

Dipper merely shrugged without saying anything before grabbing onto the straps of his black book bag and heading towards the front door. Even with his back turned away from the pair, Mabel and Stanley could both tell that he was tracing the outline of his eyepatch- it was a habit Mabel had observed him doing whenever he seemed to get stressed or nervous for something. It was close to the only time her brother showed any emotion other than indifference.

"See you after school, Grunkle Stan!" Mabel said, kissing the man on the cheek before skipping alongside Dipper. They both headed towards the bus stop where a whole new adventure awaited for them.

So that was the prologue to my new Gravity Falls story! I know I really, really need to update my other fanfictions but I currently have no inspirations for them. This story idea came to me a couple hours ago and I decided to start writing it now before I forgot about the idea. I have no idea how often I will update but I'm gonna try to write this story all the way until the end!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the start of the story. I have not edited it or anything yet, I'll do that when I get more chapters up. Please comment and vote!


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