1.) The Eye-patch

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Chapter One

(Dipper's POV)

The bus ride was almost torture, but a different kind of torture that Dipper was used to. The small bus was packed with kids Dipper was sure he had never seen in Gravity Falls before. Right when they had walked onto the bus, Candy and Brenda had called out to Mable and she had immediately went over to her friends, leaving Dipper to sit next to a stranger.

Quickly, before the boy he was forced to sit with decided to start talking to him, Dipper pulled out his phone and put headphones on to drown out some of the noise. He opted against turning on music and decided to let his mind concentrate on the slight humming noises in his mind. The sound was peaceful and as long as he kept his mind trained to it, he forgot about the other people on the bus and the feeling that is accompanied with stares from the other kids.

He chose to ignore the students who were staring at him with curiosity and a little bit a fearfulness. Dipper had no doubt that they were all wondering why the new guy- who looked distantly familiar but no one knew where from- was wearing an eye patch. They didn't know anything about him and he wanted it to stay that away. His private life was none of their business.

Nevertheless, no matter how many time he told himself that he didn't care what other people thought of him, he was still affected by their rude comments. After all he had been through and he was still affected by something so small. Was he really that weak?

"Calm down, Pine Tree."

The voice quietly hissed throughout his head and he would've jumped in surprise if he wasn't already used to it. The demon had taken a liking to listening into his private thoughts but he didn't mind that much. It was more convenient to "talk" through just thinking words instead of saying them out loud and everyone thinking he was more insane than they already did.

"It's nice you think that way," Bill's voiced echoed through Dipper's mind.

"What do you want, Bill?" Dipper asked, trying not to let his irritation sink into his thoughts. He wasn't exactly the biggest fan of the demon inside his mind at the moment because Bill had started giving Dipper nightmares the past few nights.

"Hey now!" the demon protested and Dipper imagined him holding up his hands in surrender. "Don't blame me for all of this! One; it's my job as a dream demon and two; a good nightmare every once in a while does everyone well!"

Dipper scoffed quietly, not missing the glance the boy next to him gave him.

"I can live without ever getting another nightmare, Bill," he thought. "Besides, you should be saving up your strength, not using it to give me nightmares. Honestly, one would think that you'd know how to take care of yourself."

Dipper could tell Bill was just about to answer back but before the demon could say anything, another voice cut him off. A voice that wasn't in his mind and was very human.

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