Bieber's Concert

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Amelia was happy to get Justin Bieber tickets to see him perform. She also done a contest to win VIP tickets to meet him back stage, she was so happy when she won on the day of the concert.

The concert started at 7:00PM and it was already 3:00PM so there was four hours for Amelia to get ready.

It was 5:30PM and it took her an hour and 15 minutes to drive there, she was 17 and Bieber was 18.

It was now 6:45PM and she had finally got to the stadium in Manchester for Bieber's concert.

It was now 6:50PM so she went in to get her seat. She was so exited to watch Justin perform and to actually meet him in person. She kept wondering if he was horrible like some people who met said. "Nah I don't think he'll be like that." She thought to herself about him and meeting him, she hoped the concert would go faster so she could meet him.

Justin walked on stage and every girl started screaming and crying, excluding Amelia.

Justin - "Hey Manchester! You all having a good time?" He yelled.
Everyone else - "OH MY GOD! YES! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!" Everyone screamed back at him.
Justin laughed and grabbed his microphone and started to sing 'boyfriend'.
Justin - "If I was your boyfriend I'd never let ya go.."
Everyone else - "AHHH!! I LOVE YOU!!"

After hours of Justin singing his heart out it was finally 9:00PM (P.S. I don't know how long concerts go on for :D) And the concert was over so Amelia was so excited to meet him.


^^What are they haha! Anyway, sorry it's short.
I hope you liked 'Pregnant With Baby Bieber - Bieber's Concert' :)❤️Xx

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