Chapter 9: The Hello's

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Chapter 9: The Hello's

"Oof!" I cried out.

The body sat up and said, "Sorry." I blinked my eyes. It was Avie.

"Hey Avie," I said.

"Hey," she answered.

"Where's Lily?"

Avie bit her lip. "See, well, umm, sheswithJacob," she said really fast.


Avie sighed. "She's with Jacob," she said slowly.

"WHAT??!!!!" I explode. "Why? What are they doing?"

"They're going to...get you flowers," she said with a slight hesitation. I narrowed my eyes.

"That better be all," I said, "or he's going to get it."

"Or who's going to get it?" I heard a cheerful voice say. I heard another shriek and felt another body on mine again.

"Ouch!" I yelled.

"Oh, sorry," Lily said. Lily. I grinned and gave her a hug.

"Lily!" I said.

"Joshie!" She said, giggling. I felt a small tug at my heart at the familiar nickname, but I smiled anyway.

"How long have I been out, anyway? What's the date?"

Lily cleared her throat. "It's, umm...well, it's umm..." She took a deep breath. "It's Christmas."

"What??!! I've been out for two weeks?"

"Actually, you've been out for 12 days. The first two you were, well." Jacob cleared his throat.

"Dead," James finished. I laugh. Everyone stares at me, confused.

"I already knew I was dead," I explained. "I've been up in heaven, for me, for about an hour."

"What was it like? Who did you see?" Lily asked me.

"I saw my little sister and brother, my mum's parents, and I think I saw your mum, Lily," I said, turning to her.

"Did she--"

"Look just like you and your Aunt Jenn? Yes. Yes she did," I said, interrupting her. Lily started to cry, so I held her in my arms. "I didn't talk to her, because then I was trying to figure out what happened to me, and my sister found me," I said, purposely leaving out my meeting Christ. I wanted to keep that to myself. It was too special. "How much homework do I have?" I asked suddenly. Lily burst out laughing and crying.

"What? Was it something I said?"

"It's Christmas break, silly," she giggled through her tears. I started to laugh, too.

"Hey, umm, guys, can I talk to Lily alone for a sec?" They all filed out, and Avie closed the door behind her. "I can't believe I missed my birthday," I grumbled bitterly.

"And you missed mine, too," Lily said.

"Can I give you your birthday and Christmas present now?" I asked her. She looked confused, but nodded slowly. I sat up in bed and slowly leaned towards Lily. I gently placed my hand at the base of her neck and pulled her head slowly towards mine, my heart racing, before I gently kissed her lips. She reacted instantly, wrapping her arms around my neck. Our sudden closeness made me smile, and Lily tried to slip her tongue through my mouth. I opened my mouth, allowing her access, and tried to win the game our tongues were subconsciously playing.

Avie opened the door and said, "Hey, guys want any--Eww!! Gross!! Get a room! Lily!"

We broke off, and I said with a cheeky grin, "We do have a room." Lily laughed and leaned her head on my shoulder. Yup. Everything is going to be just fine.

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