Advice from a Pizza man

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~Harry's PoV~

I was laying on my bed, face down, when I think I heard the front door open and close. I ignored it and continued thinking about what Louis had said to me in the hospital. It changes how I look at him, I don't know if we can be that close of friends anymore. I mean sure, it'll be awkward for a while, but we will go back to best friends again, but not as close as before. I heard another door open and close, knowing this time it wasn't my imagination. I waited a minute before I got up to try and talk to Louis, knowing it was his bedroom door. I wanted to apologize for just getting up and leaving the other day after he woke up. I know it was wrong, but it was a lot to take in.

I rolled over, out of bed onto my bare feet and silently padded down the hall, listening to the sound of music come from Louis' room. I stopped in front of his door and hesitated. What will he even say to me? Will he hate me now? Will he ignore me? Or will he still be in love with me? What am I talking about, of course he is still going to be in love with me. You can't just fall out of love all of sudden because you're rejected. Can you? Ugh, my brain is so messed up! I can't even think straight! Every time I do something, I end up thinking about Louis for some reason. Even snogging Stella yesterday, I still ended up having Louis wriggle his way into my thoughts. This is seriously not right. I need to talk to him before things get even more out of control.

I quietly opened the door to see a sight I never want to see again in my life. Louis was curled up into a ball on the floor, sobbing and hugging himself, whilst Ed Sheeran's Give Me Love played. I don't know why, but it made me feel guilty. I was completely ignoring him, always going out with Stella. Even as a best friend, I'm horrible. We haven't hung out properly in ages. I watched him, sobbing uncontrollably for what seemed like forever. I wanted to go in, comfort him, hug him, tell him everything's going to be okay, just like always, but I can't. It's different now. Nothing is going to ever be the same. I couldn't handle looking at him cry any longer.

I backed out of the door way, quietly shutting the door, to not let him know I was just watching him. I went back to my room and face planted the bed again. I groaned, what am I supposed to do? I can't pretend that he isn't in love with me. I can't pretend he didn't try and kill himself. I can't pretend I found my best friend lying on the floor, in a puddle of his own blood. I can't pretend he isn't going to be here for a month. I can't, I really can't. I tugged furiously on my hair. I need to talk to him, before it's too late. I contemplated on going to talk to him again. I don't know if I should anymore.

I got up off my bed again, heading to Louis' room, once again. I feel repetitive or bipolar or something, doing this for the second time. I stopped at his doorway, his door wide open and a suit case leaned against the wall. He wasn't in his room. I didn't know where he could have gone, until I heard the piano playing in our music room. I should have known. Playing the piano always takes things off his mind, even if it's only for a little while. He hasn't played in a while though. I kind of missed him playing. It's funny too, he's playing a Fray song, one of his favorites.

I made my way down the hall, stopping a few feet inside the doorway. I stared at him, swaying to the music he was creating, whilst singing along. It was beautiful. He's beautiful- wait, what?! I did NOT just say that about him! I'm going bonkers. I need to stop stalling. I waited a few more minutes, just listening to him sing before I interrupted.

"And where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life"

"Lou?" I tried to get his attention. He immediately stopped singing and playing, turning to look at me. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. He looked horrid, and that's being nice. His hair was sticking up everywhere, his clothes were all wrinkled, he had big blue bags under his eyes, and tear tracks down his cheeks, both fresh and old. It took everything in my will to not rush to him and hug him. He looked so vunarable, so broken. All because of me.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for just walking out on you. It was just a lot to take in, and I was in shock, I still am. I mean," I paused, letting out a sarcastic, bitter chuckle and running my hand through my hair, "you probably would act the same way if our roles were switched around. Finding my best friend on the bathroom floor, covered in his own blood. That's not something you can just brush off, Louis. Then, I find out that you are in love with me, and I was basically the reason you tried killing yourself. I just, I didn't know how to handle all that. I still don't. I'm sorry. I really truly am." I don't know where it all came from, but I just let it all come out. "Louis, I came to ask if you were getting to sleep alright, but when I didn't find you in your room, I checked the bathroom. It terrified me, Louis. I thought I had lost you. And the doctor, god, he scared me even more when he told me that if I hadn't of found you when I did, you wouldn't have made it." My voice started to crack, letting me know I was about to cry. I didn't dare look up at Louis when I was done. I just kept in looking at my bare feet.


"I'm going to go make popcorn!" Niall shouted, bounding out of the living room to the kitchen. Zayn let out a chuckle, shaking his head, as he and Liam looked at the collection of movies.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna go check on Louis." I told them, heading towards the stairs. I wanted to make sure he was getting to sleep alright, I didn't want him having more nightmares. The boys laughed at me, making comments about me mothering him. I rolled my eyes, scoffing, and climbed the stairs.

When I got to Louis' bedroom, I quietly knocked on the door before opening it. I pushed my way in, looking around. Louis wasn't anywhere to be seen. I walked over to the closed bathroom door. There wasn't any running water so he couldn't have been taking a shower. In fact, I didn't hear anything at all.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a reply. When I didn't get one, I started to get a little worried. I opened the door slowly, so I didn't barge in on him doing anything I don't want to see. The sight in front of me was horrific. It was like it was straight out of a horror movie, but it was ten times as worse.

Louis laid on the floor, his eyes shutting slowly, in a pool of his own blood. There were gashes all up and down both of his forearms. The blood was seeping quickly out of them. An almost empty pill bottle laid tipped over on the counter. No. No, this can't be happening.

"Liam! Call an ambulance, now!" I screamed, falling to the floor. I ignored the large pool of blood, pulling Louis into my arms. I cradled him, brushing his fringe out of his eyes. My tears were dripping onto his cheeks as I rocked us back and forth. Liam burst through the door, demanding why I yelled at him but stopped when he saw Louis.

"Oh shit," he breathed, pulling his mobile out of his pocket.

"Louis, you can't do this. Stay with us, buddy. Louis, please open your eyes. Don't leave me, the band needs you, I need you. Louis, I love you, please don't do this." I kept mumbling things that probably don't make any sense, pressing my lips to his forehead, for no real reason. The sirens went off in the distance, getting closer and louder by the second. I heard them stop in front of our house, the pounding on the door, the stomping of shoes up the stairs, the paramedics yelling, Zayn and Niall shouting because they were confused, the paramedics telling me to let go of Louis, them taking my Louis away from me. I heard everything, I saw everything, but I was just to numb to register what was going on. Wait, my Louis? I'm just in shock.

I felt Liam pull me up and eventually I ended up sitting in his car, speeding off to the hospital. Nothing really registered in my mind. I was frozen. My body may be here in Liam's car, but my mind was back in Louis' bathroom, cradling him to my chest.

We eventually made it to the hospital, me being the first to run in and yell at the lady behind the desk to tell me where Louis was. Once the frightened woman told me, I rushed off to find him. I burst into his room, stopping in my tracks at the sight of him. That's when I broke. I rushed to the bed, crying.

The doctor who was pushing buttons on the machine Louis was hooked up to, turned and asked, "Were you the one who found him?" I nodded, tears blurring my vision. "Well, it's a good thing you found him when you did. If you found him any later, not even five minutes, he would already be dead." The doctor continued talking, but I didn't listen. I was aware of the fact that he left the room, the others coming in, but I never paid attention. All my attention was on Louis.


"It's not your fault, it's mine. I'm the stupid one who fell in love, I knew from the beginning that you would never love me back, yet I still fell for you. It's all my fault, for being so goddamn stupid." His voice was raw, scratchy and raspy. I still didn't look at him though. "So, I've decided what's best for me, you, the band, all of us. I'm going to talk to management and Simon when the month is up. I'm going to tell them I quit after our contract is up. I'll still come to concerts and recordings, I just won't be around all the time, and then I'll be gone. When the month is up, I'll come back to get the rest of my stuff to move out. I'll buy my own flat, across town or something. I just, it's better for everybody this way." My head shot up, looking straight at him. He can't be serious. "Tell the others I'm sorry, and goodbye. I'll stay out of your guys' lives for the most part, from now on." He was looking at me with a blank expression. We stood there, staring at each other. Me, not knowing what to say, Louis, probably waiting for a reaction. There is no way he is actually going to go through with this, is there? A car honked it's horn outside, breaking us out of our staring.

"Well, that's my mum. I probably shouldn't keep her waiting any longer. Tell the boys that I love them no matter what, and that I'm sorry." He said before walking out of our music room, down the hall to his suitcase. I followed him, still speechless. Once we had gotten to the front door, I finally choked out a few words.

"Lou, please don't." He stopped, his hand on the door knob, then turned to look at me with a bewildered expression. "Why not?" He asked with a bitter smirk. I stood there gaping at him, unable to come up with a response, looking like a total retard with my mouth hanging open. The car horn blared again.

"Goodbye, Harold. It was nice knowing you." He spat bitterly, opening the door. Before he could walk through it, I grabbed a hold of his wrist, spinning him around. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck, not expecting a response to the hug.

"Goodbye, Boobear. Even if it's not the way you want, I still love you." I murmured into his skin, feeling him tense when I used his nickname and said I love him. I felt him slowly snake his arms around me, before tightening to the point where I could barely breath. But I don't care, this is probably the last time I'm going to see him, talk to him, hug him, like we are still friends. Even if things are awkward, he is still my best friend. I'm still going to miss him. After a minute, we slowly came apart. I watched as he walked out the front door, putting his suitcase in the boot of his mum's car, get in, and drive away. The last I saw of him was him waving to me through the window.


I rolled off of Stella, panting as I plucked the condom off and tossed it into the waste basket. Stella rolled over, resting half of her body in mine, as she played with my happy trail. The sex was alright but it just wasn't as good as any of the other times. Lately, ever since Louis' little 'incident' to be more precise, things between me and Stella haven't been going that great. She always complains that I'm more worried about him then I am interested in her. We are always getting in fights now, too.

"That was amazing, babe." She said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I nodded, still attempting to catch my breath as I played with a strand of her silky blonde hair. We lay there in silence for a few minutes, before Stella sat up. She looked at me with her large hazel eyes and pouted. I rose an eyebrow at her, questioning why she was pouting.

"I wanna go do something fun!" She whined as she batted her long eyelashes at me. Her use of 'fun' meant she wanted to go shopping, using my credit card. I, being the great boyfriend I am, agreed to take her out to go shopping.

She hopped out of my bed, prancing around the room naked, looking for all her clothes that were thrown carelessly around on the floor. I watched as she put them back on before I rolled out after her and put my own on. I grabbed my wallet and phone off the night stand and followed her out into the hallway.

"I'll be down in a minute, I just gotta do a few things first." I called after her figure that was slipping gracefully down the stairs. I turned on my heal and headed to Louis' room.

"Hey, Stella and I are going out, do you need anyth- oh, hah, yeah I keep on forgetting." I said to myself, backing out of his room. That's another thing I've noticed. I keep forgetting he's gone. I know it's only been a week since he left, but I still forget and end up walking in, talking, only to come out disappointed.

I made my way to the bathroom to run a toothbrush over my teeth, and a hand through my unruly sex hair. When I was finished, I made my way downstairs, to be greeted by Stella and we made our way to my car. Yay, shopping.


"Did you have fun today, love?" I asked Stella, carrying some of her bags in and dropping them on the floor by the door.

"Yes, I did! Thank you, Harry. I love you!" She practically cheered, as she bounced into the house. I almost cringed when she said she loves me, for what reason, I have no idea. It just sounded weird coming from her mouth.

"What do you want for dinner?" I questioned loudly, Stella already in the other room.

"Can we order take out?" She replied as I entered. I nodded and pulled out my mobile, scrolling through all the food names I had saved.

"Do you just want pizza or Chinese?" I asked, hovering my thumb over the two contacts, unsure on which one to choose.

"Pizza!" She cheered, pressing my thumb on the 'Pizzeria' contact and putting my phone next to my ear. I walked to the kitchen, ordering the pizza. I pulled out paper plates for the pizza as I hung up. I stuffed my phone into my jeans and carried the plates into the living room where Stella sat on the couch, fiddling with her phone.

"Pizza will be here in about ten minutes. Pick a movie while I go get us a drink." I saw her nod, quickly walking back into the kitchen and over to the fridge. I opened it, expecting something good like beer or soda to be in there, but I was only greeted with a couple juice boxes. Louis and his weird juice box fetish. I swear he is a child at heart. I sighed and rolled my eyes, I need to go shopping Grabbing two grape flavored juice pouches, I made my way back to the living room.

"What did ya pick, babe?" I asked, watching Stella turn back around from putting a DVD in. She saw the juice boxes in my hands and made a disgusted face and scoffed.

"Really, juice pouches Harry? I know Louis is childish and all, with his little stunt of trying to kill himself for attention, but do you really have juice pouches for him? That's just pathetic. Why do you even let him live with you? I'd find it creepy living with my best friend that's in love with me." I was taken back. She didn't really just say that about Louis. I thought they were friends? Guess not. Maybe that's why Louis always hates being alone with her. She really does seem like a bitch. I've noticed that a lot lately. And how the hell did she know about him being in love with me? She must have saw the confusion on my face as she cackled evilly. Wow, and I'm dating this girl?

"Oh, Harry, Harry, Harry. When are you going to stop being so naïve and realize, it wasn't a big secret. I am surprised you didn't know already, what with the way he is always staring at you." Okay, Stella is getting on my nerves.

"You have absolutely no right to talk about Louis that way. So what if he's in love with me. At least I know that he loves me for me, not my money and dick like you! And another thing, what's with you being a real bitch lately? It's sickening, the fact that I thought I knew you, only now I'm seeing the real you. The lying, slutty, gold-digging, bitch that you really are. It's over Stella, get out of my home." By the time I was done ranting, I was seething with anger. She muttered a 'whatever' before storming out of the house, grabbing the bags of things I bought her earlier. As she left, the pizza man arrived, looking baffled. I greeted him gruffly, paying for the pizza. He was an older looking man, just trying to earn some money before he got too old to do anything.

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the reason for breaking up?" He looked honestly curious. I sighed heavily, rubbing the hand not holding the pizza over my face.

"I finally saw her true, lying, gold-digging slutty, best friend hating, colors." He nodded understandingly, before giving me life changing advice.

"Don't go for the pretty ones. Go for the one who you know won't use you for money, the one who loves you for who you are, not because of your fame or fortune. Go for the one you trust the most with your life. Only then, will you find the one that is truly meant for you. The beauty will come along, once you fall in love with that person."


A/N: Just wanted to say thank you to all of you readers!

And thank you Kevin for putting up with me and this story and being my awesome editor.(:

Comment or vote anyone? Bye Xx

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