Chapter 6

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"So about the show," Matt says. "We need 13 people for the cast, and Nick is going to be one of them. I don't know how much experience all of you have as actors but we would love it if you guys would join us."

"I'd love to do it," Denise says. "Also I'm the dance instructor so if you need help choreographing anything, don't be afraid to ask."

At the same time, a bunch of us say, "I'll do it."

"I have no idea who just spoke. Is there anyone that doesn't want to join?" Nick says.

No one says anything.

"This is great. So now we just need three more people." Matt says.

"My boyfriend Dylan acted in high school and he'll be here the day after tomorrow. He'll probably want to join," Denise says.

"Okay now we just have to find two more people. Do you need guys or girls?" Julia asks.

"We need two guys," Nick says.

"What about Jim?" Joey asks.

"Who's Jim?" I ask.

"He came the year after you left, he's sitting at that table with just that other guy," Joey explains. "Brian do you think Jim would want to join?"

We all look at Brian but he's so focused on his conversation with Meredith that he doesn't even hear Joey's question.

"Brian!" Joey says.

"Hmm what sorry?" Brian says.

"Do you think Jim would want to join the cast?"

"I don't know, why don't you just ask him instead of interrupting my conversation," Brian responds.

"Chill man," Walker says.

"Um who do you think you are barging in on me and my conversation?"

"Brian, calm down," Meredith says.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm just stressed."

"I'm sorry if I was rude to you," Walker says.

"No it's fine," Brian says. "I was out of line."

"So now that that's cleared up, who's going to go talk to Jim?" I ask.

"I'll do it," Jaime says.

She walks over to his table and begins to talk to him and his friend. A few moments later Jaime, Jim, and his friend walk over to our table together. "Guys this is Jim Povolo and Joe Moses."

"Hi," says Jim. "We're sophomore counselors and JoMo is my co-counselor. I'm teaching pottery."

They pull two chairs up to our table and sit down. "Is everyone okay with having auditions tomorrow night?" Matt says

"Actually I'm busy then," Walker says while looking at me.

"Yeah, I'm busy tomorrow night sorry," I say. Joey glances at the two of us and then looks deep in thought.

"Can we just do it the next night?" Denise acts. "That way, Dylan will be here so we can all audition the same night."

"Yeah I guess that works," Matt says reluctantly. "But we're going to have to rehearse as often as we can this week since we don't know how much time we'll actually have when the campers get here."

Joey eyes light up. "I've got it!" He shouts out.

"What?" Julia asks.

"The two of you," he says while pointing at Walker and I, "are a thing!"

"I guess," I say.

"We're going on date," Walker says, smiling.

We finish dinner with shortly after. I start walking back towards girl's campus with Julia, Meredith, Denise, and Jaime when I hear Joey say, "Lauren!"

I turn around and say, "yeah?"

"Can we talk?" he asks. I nod and walk over to him.

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