Chapter 20

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I open the front door and smile. I have to pretend everything is okay. "Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say while walking outside. "So where are we going?"

"I was thinking we could go to this restaurant I found online called Starkid's. The menu has like tavern food."

"That sounds good to me. I really want a cheeseburger. I'm sick of this bullshit Jewish camp kosher food, and it's only been two days. I don't know how I'm supposed to last the whole summer."

"I guess we'll have to go out to eat cheeseburgers a lot," Walker says as we walk into the staff parking lot and climb into his car.

Normally I would've blushed at a line like that, but strangely enough, I didn't. I smile and pretend that I still like him. I really thought I liked Walker, but maybe now I like Joey, even though he was awful to me. This is all so confusing and I feel like I can't talk to anyone about this.

We sit in the car in silence, listening to the music. "So where are you going to college next year?"

"University of Michigan, where-"

He cuts me off before I can even ask where he goes and says, "no way! I go there."

How long am I supposed to date him for? We just got out of the car and this is already unbearable. He's a nice guy and all but I'm not feeling any of that attraction that I felt before. I don't know what to say so I just say, "yay!" faking my enthusiasm.

"Yeah and Darren goes there too. He's actually the one who convinced me to work here this summer."

"That's cool," I reply. "Meredith is going too, we're going to room together."

He smiles and says, "well once school starts if you guys need help finding anything, Darren and I will be happy to help you."

I fake a smile and say, "thanks."

We sit down at a table near the back of the restaurant and I begin to look through the menu. Luckily I spot a cheeseburger on the long list of items and start eating a piece of bread with butter.

"So what's your major?" I ask.

"I'm currently undecided but I need to figure one out soon. I've been taking mostly gen-ed classes and some theater classes, which I really like. Do you have any idea what you want to do?"

"No, but I'll probably take some theater classes, I always loved it and now that I've been cast as a lead in Starship, it shows me that I'm not as bad as I thought I was so maybe I actually have a chance of doing this for a living."

"You're really good so you should do it. And we would see each other since all the theater kids hang out together."

I fake a smile when the waitress walks over and says, "Can I take your order?"

"Can I please have a cheeseburger cooked medium well?"

"Would you like regular or sweet-potato fries?"

"Regular please," I respond.

"And what about you?" She says while looking at Walker.

"I'll have the Spaghetti Bolognese, please."

"Okay that should be out in like ten minutes," she says while walking towards the kitchen.

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