Chapter 3

13 3 5

Third Person Omniscient

Fridtjov turned the corner 2 blocks away from the jewelry store. Her nervousness racking high. She slid down the ice cold, brick wall pulling out her wallet full of emptiness. Her hand shook as she pulled out the silver ring with a heart shaped peace sign outlined by mini diamonds. (Pic at top). She smiled slightly, rubbing her fingers over it.

'With this we can live for awhile.' Thought Fridtjov slipping back into her wallet and gripping it tightly.

She stood up took a deep breathe and before sprinting down the street into the povertized land.

Only the lowest of people live down there. Crime happens everywhere. People killing people for a scrap of food. Everybody is unemployed and the land can't bare food.

Fridtjov lives down there with her 5 year old daughter and her very old grandmother. Fridtjov slowed down as she reached a small house with a grey sheet as the door. Her 5 year old daughter, Elesa, ran up to her, gripping her leg tightly.

"Hello I'm home." Fridtjov said kissing her daughter's forehead.

For some reason Wattpad keeps deleting this chapter. If it happens again tell me. Thankies💍

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