Chapter 5

11 3 4

First person Multiple

Fridtjov's POV

I walked down the street with Elesa's tiny hand in my thin, pale hand. I was having a hard time stomaching the guilt as I stared at my beautiful daughter's blue eyes. If I hadn't done what I did. She could be living in that beautiful place called Lakshmi. Where flowers can grow, where you can eat three meals a day, where you don't have to suffer the pain of knowing when you're going to die. I'm so sorry.


I was startled out of my thoughts with my beautiful angel speaking to me.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked looking down at her holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Where are we going?"

I stopped and bent down to her level and smiled. I pulled out the ring from my pocket.

"Wow pretty." She 'wowed' drawing out pretty in her cute kiddy voice.

"Um-hum. It is isn't it. You see I am going to pawn this to get you some pretty things."

"Really!?" Her eye gleamed which made my knees go to jelly.

"Yeah really." I smiled rubbing the top of her head.

I stood up to continue walking with her head halfway past my knee. However, I was stopped by her sweet voice saying 'Mommy' again.

"What is it?" I asked looking at her.

Her brilliantly blue eyes bore into my pale blue ones.

"What does pawn mean?" She stumbled on 'pawn' not quite sure yet of how to pronounce it.

I chuckled before answering at her cuteness. "It means that I give the nice man this ring," I say holding up the ring. "And the nice man will give me the money I need to get you the pretty things."

"Really!!" Her eyes sparkled even more if that was even possible.

"Yes now come on. Let's hurry." I smiled putting the ring safely back in my wallet.


We came up to a stall. It was old and run down. A red cloth hung and said 'Miller's Pawn shop' in white paint.

"Excuse me." I said ducking under the cloth.

A man came from around back wiping his forehead with a sweat, dirt covered cloth. "What do you got for me?"

He had a scar 2 inches long on his cheek bone. His brown hair was ruffled and wet from sweat and his eyes showed an intense green.

"Um, I would like to pawn this, if you don't mind." I answered pulling out my wallet and taking out the ring.

He perked up, his eyes showing interest. He took the ring and smelt it. He then took out a magnifying glass and examined it. His eyes drooped and gave me a stern look. "How can you give me this crab?!" He threw the ring at me.

"What do you mean? This isn't crab! My late husband gave me this!" I knew I was lying, but I told Elesa that her dad died and plus I needed the money.

"It's a fake! You trying to trick me?!" He hissed his hands clenching on the splintered wood he used for the counter.

"What, no! I'm serious."

"Well then lady, I guess your husband is a cheap skate."

I had no words to say to him only the pain that stretched across my face.

"Mommy does that mean I can't get pretty things?" I looked down to see Elesa pouting.

"I'm sorry sweetie. It seems the nice man can't give us anything." I placed my hand on her head as she wrapped herself on my leg.

"But why? Wasbnt it daddy's ring?" She sniffed not realizing that she slipped in her pronunciation.

"Yes it was." I looked at the man and gave him an apologetic look.

He looked at me then at my daughter who was sniffing.

He sighed, "Alright if you can give me one reason as to why I should give you money, then I'll give you as much as the real thing is worth."

I brightened up at him smiling. I was thinking for at least 10 minutes before I came up with an idea. "You could sell this to someone else. I'm sure they wouldn't mind that it's fake if they wanted to propose to someone. I mean there are rarely any rings around here."

He thought for a while when another person came up to his stall. He pointed at the women and asked, "Would you care if a ring was fake if you were proposed to."

She looked stunned as if she wasn't expecting a question like that. After a second, she flipped her blonde hair behind her and spoke. "No I wouldn't. I would be delightfully thrilled that he would be able to find a ring in this place." She answered putting an accent on 'this'.

"Alright good enough." He turned to me and said the words that made my day. "You got a deal."

Miller's POV

I was extremely agitated that this woman brought me a fake ring. It looked real and she seemed to believe so since she looked so surprised. Then there was this beautiful child like voice. I had to look over the counter to see who it was and to my surprise it was a cute little girl wrapped around this women leg. She was sniffling and to another one of my surprises to myself I said these twenty-six word, "Alright if you can give me one reason as to why I should give you money, then I'll give you as much as the real thing is worth."

She brightened up which caused me to smile just a bit. She gave me a reason that wasn't so bad and just as if the God's wished it another woman, my daughter to be exact, came up. So I tested this theory on her. At first she seemed surprised by my sudden question, but it went away really quick. And with her answer I gave the red haired women the answer of her world. "Alright we got a deal." Her face lite up like fireworks and when I handed her 3 thousand grand she scooped up her child.

She gave me repeated thanks and shoved the money into her wallet. She got a string and tied it onto the loop of her wallet and to the belt holder of her pants. Probably to keep it from being stolen. She walked off with a thanks and a skip in her step. Her child wrapped around her like a blanket.

Chelsea's POV

I walked up to my father's stand to see if he needed any help since he hurt his back yesterday. When I got there I saw Fridtjov and Elesa. Fridtjov had hope in her eyes as Elesa clung to her leg. I knew her by all the rumors and that her fine for getting out of here was 3 times worse than the regular peoples. I spotted that my father had his hands clenched probably trying to hold back the pain in his back. When he looked at me his eyes glinted that he wanted the answer that he knew I could provide. He asked me a strange question of whether or not I would care if a ring was fake and honestly I didn't care. So I flipped my hair behind me signifying that I knew, that I understood and so I gave him the answer he wanted. My father gave me the smile which I knew that I would be getting something today. I saw that Fridtjov smiled very brightly skipping away with Elesa in her arms. When she was out of sight my father thanked me.

"No problem dad. Does your back still hurt?"

"Yeah. Come help me take my stall down for the day." He said already putting things in boxes.

"Alright." I hesitantly said unhitching the ropes bringing the sign down.


Alright this has to be the longest chapter ever. I quite enjoyed writing this. Today I realized that the original place that I write in, which is Gdrive or Gmail, is not as accurate as Wattpad. I mean there were two times that I repeated a word and Gdrive didn't catch it. I'm starting to love Wattpad more.💓

Anyway the word 'crab' means a bad word that refuse to spell out.

And what did Chelsea mean by fine for getting out?

I don't know but let's find out!


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