*tips cat ears* MEOW LADY

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    Adrien sat in class with a tragic look on his face. He stared out the window and sighed. Oh, how he wished he could see him. His sweet summer love. With eyes so piercing and hair that flows like a river of gold, how could anyone resist the Greek god that is Chat Noir? Alas, their love is forbidden, for they are basically the same person. It's kinda messed up if you think about it. How does one fall in love with oneself? But Adrien did not care. He was blinded by love, unable to face reality. He would walk to the ends of the earth just to see his beloved. Suddenly, his gaze shifted to the front of the class. The board was covered in equations. Adrien heard someone calling his name. It was the teacher.

- Adrien! Fais attention! What's the answer to number 7?

- 2xy to the power of 3

- C-Correct...

    He scoffed. They never seem to understand that he'll always get the answer right. The teacher was just about to comment on something when the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Adrien gathered his things and peaced out. Just as he walked out the school, he noticed a red silhouette in the distance. Who could it possibly be? Gasp, why, of course! It's none other than Ladybug! It seems trouble has arisen. This is it, this was his chance, he could finally meet Chat Noir!

Chat Noir X Adrien Where stories live. Discover now