little kitty neko-chan~

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Chat Noir ran to an alleyway, where nothing bad ever happens, to transform back. Aaaaaaand Adrien was back. And lord, was he disappointed. He thought he could see Chat Noir at last, but... But... Adrien had just realized how dumb he was. He can't possibly exist at the same time as Cat boy, because they are literally the same exact person. Welcome to the real world, Adrien. Where you have to pay taxes and can't bang yourself. The poor young man collapsed on the ground and hugged his knees. A single tear slowly ran down his face. He felt his fragile teenage heart shatter like sugar glass. *sniff* How sad.
That tragic scene went on for a few minutes, hours, days, he doesn't know, he lost track of time. But it was probably just for a few minutes.

Adrien got up and wiped his sissy boy tears away, for he had had an epiphany! EUREKA! If he could create an alternate version of himself then transform into Chat Noir, his dream would finally come true! He might be considered clinically insane to even consider that a possibility, however, he would do anything to get a chance to touch that sweet neko booty~. And he knew just the person for the job. Rose Lalonde, also known as the actual Devil™. Adrien drew a pentagram magic circle or whatever on the ground, lit a few candles that magically appeared out of nowhere and started the ritual. Thus, Rose Lalonde had been summoned!

She spoke out nonchalantly:

- Hey, did you just summon me like I'm Satan or something? How did you even do that?


- No, stop, stop talking. I'm not drunk enough for this.

And with those words, she just left. Luckily, though, someone much more powerful came to the rescue. That person being me, the author of this godforsaken fan fic. I can just poof in another Adrien like it's no big deal B^]
And so it happened. The author poofed in another Adrien like it's no big deal.

Author's note: I promise to write less bs nonsense next chapter I just had to bend the laws of the universe to get the ship sailing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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