The Date

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Isaac's pov
As I was getting ready for the date I was listening to music for the past time. I was wearing a white shirt with a black tie and black waist jacket and shoes. I was excited for the date.

Jordan's pov
I was ready to go on the date. I'm really excited to go on the date with the one I truly love. As I waiting for Isaac to come down stairs I went to go buy some flowers and chocolate * cliché XD* that he will like. I got out of the car got to the door and knock on the door everyone was the my siblings,mom,and dad "Hey Jordan come please sit by Isaac." said mom. "Okay" I replied back. I sat next to Isaac. "Okay we are all here so Jordan and Isaac I heard from the girls that you and Isaac are going on a date today" He said calmly. "Yes" me and Isaac said at the same time. "Me and your father... BE TO CONTINUED
BWHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH I'M MEAN pirate keep on fighting~ captain foxy jason

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