I love you

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This is a pic of Daxton Herondale

10 months later
Why again? Clary now had 3, 11 year olds and a 2 month old, Daxton Liam Seamus Herondale. Dax had blonde hair and green eyes. He had mostly her features so you couldn't tell he was Jace's kid. And this had to happen. She was currently working at a Ohio Takis (I'm making it a chain restaurant in this) to get money for her sons babysitting. She had plenty of money to keep her family stable because of her fathers trust fund to her but she just wanted a backup.
What she was so worked up about was that Jace, Izzy, Alec, and Simon were sitting at a table in Takis. They had found her. Again. She couldn't believe it.
"Clary, go serve that table" said her manager,"I know you just got back from maternity leave but you still need to work". Clary took a deep breath and headed over. Before she could get there Jax stormed in and punched Jace in the face."THATS FOR FUCKING EVERYTHING" he screamed. Jax and Jace started to fight.
You could tell they were confused. Jax looked nothing like he did 10 months ago. His eyes changed from gold to green with flecks of gold and his hair got darker and was in a Mohawk. He had dyed the tips of the Mohawk red. They didn't recognize him. Ava and Stella came in with Daxton on Ava's hip. They looked different to. Stella's hair got lighter and her features got sharper. While Ava's hair got darker and her features got softer. Stella went over to help Jax yell at Jace and Ava came over to her."Dax is hungry" she said. She then looked over to where the fight was happening. "You don't have to get into that if you don't want to.""I have to" Clary said, grabbing Dax and walking over to the table."JAX ALEXANDER LUCIAN HERONDALE AND STELLA ISABELLE JOCELYN HERONDALE STOP RIGHT NOW" she shouted. Everyone turned to look at her."Clary!" said Izzy,"Why do we always find you?""I don't know but I wish you would stop. It's getting annoying".
Dax started to cry."It's ok" she said, bouncing him,"Do you want to go to Auntie Izzy". They all looked at her shocked."1.Does that mean what I think it means? And 2. YES PLEASE. GIVE ME HIM. HE IS SO CUTE". Clary laughed and gave him to Izzy. He stopped crying and giggled."And yes it does mean what you think it means". Izzy looked at her and said "I'm honestly not surprised. I knew you couldn't keep your hands of him."
   Clary blushed and turned to Jax and Stella."What the fuck did you do"."We were giving him what he deserves" said Jax."What have I told you? Don't stoop down to those peoples levels. Think next time. Understand?"."Yes Mom" they said.
I turned back to see Simon passing Dax to Alec. When did Simon get him? As soon as Alec got him he started to cry. He looked panicked. Then he gave him to Jace and Dax immediately became quiet. Jace still looked shocked to learn that Dax was his son but he looked happy to have him in his arms."Your a daddies boy aren't you" said Jace softly. He then looked to Clary."Can we talk" he said."Fine". She picked up Dax and lead Jace to a back room."Don't sleep with him again. I know he's pretty but I don't want another sibling" shouted Stella."I can't have sex for 1 more month" I said back."When have you ever followed rules" said Ava. She ignored her and walked to the back room. My kids had some nerve.
"Why did you leave" said Jace."I felt guilty about what I did" Clary said."You felt guilty about sleeping with me" he asked. Clary nodded. He laughed."I've never heard that before." Clary started to cry. Why was he laughing? He was no aloud to laugh."WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME? YOU CHEATED ON ME. YOU BROKE MY HEART. YOU LEFT ME PREGNANT WITH TRIPLETS FOR SOME OTHER SLUT. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE LAUGHING AT ME." she screamed and then collapsed with Daxton still in her arms. Jace came over and hugged her. That can't be right. He didn't love her anymore. Did he?
"Clary" he said,"I made a mistake, a big one. I thought I needed more but I didn't realize I had everything I needed until it was gone. I went into depression after you left. I was nothing without you. After you left I almost killed her, Bev, the girl I cheated on you with. Alec and Isabelle had to stop me. She came over almost every month since you left for 3 years trying to seduce me. Finally one day she came over and me, Alec, and Simon killed her. When she was gone I got a bit better. Knowing what caused my life to go to hell was gone. But I still missed you. Every day. When we found you and the kids again I was thrilled. I wanted to have a family with u. Then u left and I went into depression again. Knowing it was my fault. Again. The truth is. I still love you Clary Fray. I've never stopped." Clary was shocked.
    Before Jace could do anything else she kissed him."I missed you to." He looked hopeful."But I can't trust you. Not yet anyway." His face immediately dropped."I'll do anything. I want you. I want the kids. I want it all back. Please give me a second chance." He looked desperate. I couldn't do this to him or to the kids."Ok" I said,"But just friends for now." He hugged me and said "Thank you Clary" you have no idea how much this means to me. Now maybe their family could be complete. If Jace didn't do anything then they could. They would.

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